

[Page] 116
[Continued from page 115]

similar distance.
About 50 yds [yards] S.E. [South East] of the last is a cairn of
about 27 ft. [feet] diameter which seems to have been
excavated. It has been badly pillaged and is over:
:grown with turf.
About 30 yds. [yards] W. [West] of the hut circle is a cairn
which has been considerably dilapidated but
no signs of a chamber or cist are revealed.
It has a diameter of about 34 ft. [feet] and is about
3 ft. [feet] high.
About 15 ft. [feet] to the E. [East] of it is another, circular,

[Margin] Cairn ?

with a diameter of 22 ft. [feet], its outline carefully
marked with large boulders.
About 750 ft. [feet] S.E. [South East] of the summit just inside
the wall of an old enclosure is a large
cairn covered with grass and the remains
of burnt heather. It is some 50 ft. [feet] in diameter
and 6 to 7 ft. [feet] high.
Within 20’ of the S. [South] of it is a small cairn
about 15’ from N. to S. [North to South] by 10’ E. to W. [East to West] & 2 ft. [feet] high
partially opened by rabbits.
About 60 ft. [feet] S. [South] another about 18 ft. [feet] x 10 ft. [feet] and
2 ft. [feet] high.
About 1/4 m. [mile] S.S.E. [South South East] from the summit
on a slight ridge is a circular enclosure
with an internal diameter of 43 ft. [feet] surrounded

[Continued on page 117]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson