
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Laxa Burn Laxa Burn
Laxa Burn
Laxa Burn
Mr Scott Thomson Laxaburn
Mr Arthur Moffat Effirth
Revd. [Reverend] W. Rose Parish minister
Johnstons Map
047.03 Applies to a mountain stream which gathers near the South end of "Maila Hill" & flows northwest & east falling into "the Firth" a short distance N.E. [North East] of "Saxaburn", and is upon the property of Joseph Leask Esqr. of Sand.
Laxaburn Laxaburn
Mr Scott Thomson Occupier
Mr Arthur Moffat Effirth
Adam Dickson Esqr. of Mosshouse.
Johnstons Map
047.03 A dwellinghouse with a piece of ground attached: It is thatched & is Situated on the east Side of the Road leading from "Reawick" to "Effirth"; also about half a mile N.W. [North West] of "Semblister". and is the property of Adam Dickson Esqr. of "Mosshouse"
Ness of Bixter Ness of Bixter
Ness of Bixter
Ness of Bixter
A. J Grierson Esqr. of Quendale
Revd. [Reverend] W. Rose Parish minister
Andrew Umphray Esqr. of Reawick
047.03 A blunt heathy promontory: Situated on the N.W. [North West] Side of "The Firth," and about threequarters of a mile S.E. [South East] of "Bixter": The property of A. J Grierson Esqr. of Quendale.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 102
Parish of Sandsting -- Shetland.
[signed] William Fraser C/a [Civilian assistant]

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