Perthshire volume 59

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info
OS1/25/59/1 MONZIE LOGIELAMOND Monzie Monzie Monzie Monzie Monzie Monzie Sheriff’s List of Parish New Statistical Account Old Statistical Account Fullarton’s Gazetteer Oliver & Boyd’s Almanac Johnston’s County Map 095 ; 107 ; 108 The parish of Monzie is in the Presbytery of Auchterarder; Synod of Perth and Stirling The parish of Monzie is in four separate and distinct parts three of which are detached. The greater part or main body of the parish which contains the Church and Village of Monzie, is bounded on the East, and south east, by the parish of Fowlis Wester; and in the north, west, and south west by the parish of Crieff Monzie Detached No.1 is bounded on the north, by the parish of Madderty; on the west, and south west by Crieff and Muthill parishes; and on the east and south east by Trinity Gask Parish Monzie Detached No.2 is bounded on the east, by the parish of Crieff and a detached part of Fowlis Wester parish; on the south by Monzievaird and Strowan parish; on the west, by Kenmore parish and lands which belong to no parish; and on the north, by detached parts Nos. 1 & 2 of Dull parish, by a detached part of No. 11 of Weem parish, and by a detached part No. 4 of Kenmore parish. Monzie detached No.3 is bounded on the west and a small portion the north by Fowlis Wester parish; on the north by the parishes of Little Dunkeld, Auchtergaven and Redgorton Detd. [Detached]; on the east by Monedy; and on the south by Methven, and Fowlis Wester. Parish of Monzie Proper contains 3760 statute acres Parish of Monzie Detached No. 1 contains 1123 statute acres Parish of Monzie Detached No. 2 contains 8712 statute acres Parish of Monzie Detached No. 3 contains 7997 statute acres
OS1/25/59/1 [Page ] 1 MONZIE - Altered to LOGIEALMOND by Local Government (Scotland) Act. 1889. T2428 Plan at Southampton
OS1/25/59/2 [Page] 2 Blank page
OS1/25/59/3 SKIRLIE CRAIG Skirlie Craig Skirlie Craig Skirlie Craig Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Ph. [Parish] Manse, Monzie Mr. John Laurie Assessor & Regr. [Registrar] James Maxton Grahame Esqr. Cultoquhey 095 A Steep precipice, the top of which is formed of nearly an Upright Solid Rock of about 10 feet high, the rest of the Slope is composed of loose Stones and grass, the highest point (west end) is about 70 and the lowest (east end) about 30 feet. It forms a gully between it and the rising ground to the north.
OS1/25/59/3 INNERPEFFRAY CURLING POND Innerpeffray Curling Pond Capt. [Captain] Carey R.E. [Royal Engineers]- Note dated 5-5-66 Mr Kerr 108 A curling pond in a wood of the Same name
OS1/25/59/3 [Page] 3 Parish of Monzie INNERPEFFREY CURLING POND Capt. [Captain] Carey R. E. [Royal Engineers] Note dated 5.5.66 Mr Kerr Pond described by Mr. Kerr Hill Sketcher - traces Sent to Capt [Captain] Carey - formal writer at Computing offices in Abdn [Aberdeen] area around 7 May 1866
OS1/25/59/3A [Page] 3a Inserted in the book 10 May 66 OSO [Ordnanace Survey Office] Edinburgh 27th April 1866 Colonel Cameron - Mr. Kerr, employed at present in hillsketching Sheet 108 (Perth) has reported the omisson of a Pond, about 8 chains long by 4 broad, situated in the middle of a d dense wood. See enclosed Capt. [Captain] Parsons RE [Royal Engineers] Will you send the examination trace required with this note - to Cap [tCapain] Carey Capt: [Captain] Carey Sent J. McFarins 30-4-66
OS1/25/59/3B [Page] 3b Capt [Captain] Parsons The Detail Tracings are returned with Pond supplied L.P. Carey Capt RE [Captain Royal Engineers] L.P. Carey Capons 5/5 Trace - Will you be good enough to f orward the examination Tracing of the detail of this Portion, in order that the Pond may be inserted to portion - Mr. Kerr completed this Sheet on the 5th May, so that the Tracing is urgent
OS1/25/59/3C [Page] 3c required. Your sanction is requested for the temporary supplement of a boy to accom [accompany] him in surveying the ommission Cap [Captain] Carey The tracing will be sent to you- Approved A W Clark Cap [Captain] RE [Royal Engineers] For Col [Colonel] Cameron
OS1/25/59/4 [Page] 4 [Blank Page]
OS1/25/59/5 LITTLETON Littleton Littleton Littleton Littletown Lease of Brae of Monzie William Isaac John Laurie Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 095 A cot house on the farm of Brae of Monzie (formerly a farm house) 1 story, slated & together with Offices in good repair the property of William Johnston Esq.
OS1/25/59/5 [Page] 5 Sheet 95 No.3. -- Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/6 BRAE OF MONZIE Brae of Monzie Brae of Monzie Brae of Monzie Lease of Farm Mr. McIsaac Brae of Monzie by Crieff Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Minister of Monzie 095 A dwelling house, farm steading & Offices, 2 Stories, Slated, & in good repair, the property of William Johnston of Lathrisk by Falkland
OS1/25/59/6 LAGVINSHAG Lagvinshag Lagvinshag Lagvinshag Lugvenshod William McIsaac Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor John Laurie Assessor & Schoolmaster Monzie Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 095 A small dwelling house occupd. [occupied] by an aged female on the estate of Monzie the property of William Johnston Esq. of Lathrisk.
OS1/25/59/6 CRAIG KIPNACLINE Kipnaclaine Craig Kipnaclaine Craig Kipnaclaine Craig William McIsaac Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor John Laurie 095 A rocky precipice plated with Fir wood on the farm of Brae of Monzie & the property of the aforesaid William Johnston Esq.
OS1/25/59/6 [Page] 6 Sheet 95 No. 3 -- Parish of Monzie CRAIG KIPNACLINE See Name Book of Sheet 83 for the proper mode of writing this name.
OS1/25/59/7 FALLS OF MONZIE Falls of Monzie Falls of Monzie Falls of Monzie Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor. Mr. John Laurie. Mr. John Gorrie. 095 Four waterfalls Situated on the Shaggie Burn, one mile north from the village of Monzie, and are approached by foot paths winding along the banks of the Shaggie Burn
OS1/25/59/7 IBERT Ibert Ibert Ibert Ibert Ibord Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Laurie Mr. John Garrie Valution Roll 1857-8 Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 095 A large farmsteading dwelling house two storeys, offices one, the whole slated and in good repair. Property of William Johnston Esqr., Monzie Castle by Crieff.
OS1/25/59/7 MANSE [Monzie [Logiealmond since 1889] Manse (Parish) Manse (Parish) Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Laurie Mr. John Gorrie 095 A neat dwellinghouse, two storeys, Slated, with suitable offices attached, residence of the Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Minister of Monzie
OS1/25/59/7 [Page] 7 Perthshire -- Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/8 PARKNEUK BURN Parkneuk Burn Parkneuk Burn Parkneuk Burn Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Monzie, by Crieff Mr. John Laurie School Master, Monzie Mr. John Gorrie Farmer Ibert Crieff 095 A small burn which gathers from Surface water on the hill Side east of the Village of Monzie and falls into the Shaggie Burn a little South of the falls of Monzie.
OS1/25/59/8 ALLT GARBH Allt Garbh Allt Garbh Allt Garbh Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor. Mr. John Laurie. Mr. John Gorrie. 095 A Small burn which gathers from Surface water north from Ibert farm and Joins the Shaggie Burn A Short distance above the Village of Monzie. Means Rough Stream.
OS1/25/59/8 IBERT BURN Ibert Burn Ibert Burn Ibert Burn Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor. Mr. John Laurie. Mr. John Garrie. 095 A Small burn which rises near the farm of Ibert and Joins the Shaggie burn at the village of Monzie.
OS1/25/59/8 [Page] 8 Perthshire -- Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/9 CHURCH [Monzie] Church Church Church Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Laurie Mr. John Gorrie 095 The Parish Church of Monzie is a plain structure, erected in 1839-31 and seated to accommodate 512 persons.
OS1/25/59/9 JOUGS [Monzie Church] 095 "Belonging to the old church of Monzie, taken down 1830, was an instrument of punishment called the jougs. It was simply an iron collar, fastened to the outside of the wall, near one of the doors, by a chain. No person alive, it is believed, has seen the pillory put in requisition, nor is it known at what period it was first adopted for the reformation of offenders; but there can be no doubt, that an age which could sanction burning for witchcraft, would see frequent occasion for the milder punishment. It is now regarded as a relic of a barbarous age, and has been affixed to the wall of the present church merely to gratify the curiosity of antiquaries." New Statistical Account
OS1/25/59/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/10 MONZIE [village] Monzie Monzie Monzie Monzie Monzie Monzie Revd [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Laurie New Statistical Account Johnstone's Co[County] Map Valuation Roll 1857-8 Fullarton's Gazetteer 095 The village of Monzie is situated near the north margin of Strath Earn and is almost hidden from view by the Grampians and the Knock of Crieff, it is very small and irregularly built, excepting the Ph. [Parish] Church, Manse and School, there only a few one storey, thatched houses in a wretched state of repair. It has neither Inn, Public House or Shop. Property of William Johnstone Esqr. Monzie Castle.
OS1/25/59/10 [Page] 10
OS1/25/59/11 KEPPOCH Keppoch Keppoch Keppoch Keppoch Keppoch Capick Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Gorrie Mr. Jon Laurie Valuation Roll 1857-8 New Statistical Account Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 095 This name applies to what has originally been a group of Cothouses, with one exception the whole are in ruins, and this exception is in a very delapitated state, property of William Johnstone Esqr. Monzie Castle.
OS1/25/59/11 SCHOOL [Monzie] School School School Revd [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Gorrie Mr. John Laurie 095 The parish School of Monzie, is a plain substantial building, slated and in good repair. The education afforded in addition to elementary branches is Latin, Greek, French and Mathematics, Average attendance 50.
OS1/25/59/11 [Page] 11 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/12 KNOCK DURROCH Knock Durroch Knock Durroch Knock Durroch Knock Durroch Revd[Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Gorrie Mr. John Laurie New Statistical Account 095 A Small wooded hill a short distance north of the village of Monzie on the summit of which there is reputed to have been a Roman Camp or Outpost. "A few hundred yards above the village of Monzie, upon an eminance called "Knock Durroch" (the Oaken Knoll,) is a small entrenchment, supposed to be Roman. It is of an oval form, measuring 130 paces in length, and 80 at its greatest breadth. It is surrounded by a double trench, which at one place appears to the eye to be not less than 8 or 9 feet in depth." New Stat [Statistical] Account
OS1/25/59/12 Site of ROMAN OUTPOST [Knock Durroch] (Site of) Roman Outpost (Site of) Roman Outpost (Site of) Roman Outpost Revd[Reverend] James Taylor Mr. John Gorrie Mr. John Laurie 095 The site of what is reputed to have been a Roman Camp or Outpost, situated on the summit of Knock Durroch. (Vide [See] foregoing extract) there are no existing remains, nor is there any trace of the object.
OS1/25/59/12 [Page] 12 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/13 KELTIE BURN Keltie Burn Keltie Burn Keltie Burn Keltie Burn Keltie Mr. John Laurie, Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster Monzie, by Crieff Mr. Thomas Soutar Writer, Crieff Mr. Hugh Millar, Factor, Ochtertyre, by Crieff Fullarton's Gazeteer of Scotland New Statistical Account 095 A large stream which rises on the watershed between Strath Earn and Glen Almond, and after a course of about 5 miles falls into the Shaggie Burn near Monzie House. It forms the boundary between the parishes of Crieff and Monzie for the whole of its course.
OS1/25/59/13 FALLS OF KELTIE Falls of Keltie Falls of Keltie Falls of Keltie Mr. John Laurie Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. Hugh Millar 095 A series of cascades on the Keltie Burn, seven in number, of various heights, among them it Spout Bane, where the water is said to have a fall of fully 90 feet
OS1/25/59/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/14 SPOUT BANE Spout Bane Spout Bane Spout Bane Spout-bay Mr. Hugh Millar Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. John Laurie Fullarton's Gazeteer of Scotland 095 The highest of a series of Cascades on the Keltie Burn, known as the Falls of Keltie, this cascade is said to be 90 feet high.
OS1/25/59/14 SHAGGIE BURN Shaggie Burn Shaggie Burn Shaggie Burn Shaggy Shaggy Shaggy Shaggie Shaggie Water Mr. Hugh Millar Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. John Sourie Mr. John Laurie Old Statistical Acct. [Account] of Crieff Parish New Statistical Acct. [Account] of Crieff Parish New Statistical Acct. [Account] of Fowlis Wester Parish New Statistical Acct. [Account] of Monzie Parish Fullarton's Gazeteer of Scotland 095 A large stream which rises on the high ground forming the division between Strath Earn and Glen Almond, and after a course of several miles falls into the Turret Burn at Hosh. It forms the boundary between the parishes of Monzie and Crieff during part of its course.
OS1/25/59/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/15 LOCH MORE Loch More Loch More Loch More Loch More Thomas Soutar Esqr. Solicitor Crieff. Mr. John Laurie School Teacher Monzie by Crieff Mr. William Lyall Land Steward Monzie Castle Estate Map 095 A large and beautiful loch situated twenty chains north of Monzie Castle, property of William Johnston Esqr. of Lathrisk, Falkland, Fifeshire
OS1/25/59/15 DOGMILL POND Dogmill Pond Dogmill Pond Dogmill Pond Thomas Soutar Esqr. Mr John Lawrie. Mr. William Lyall. 095 A small pond situated about fifteen chains north west of Monzie Castle, property of William Johnston Esqr. of Lathrisk.
OS1/25/59/15 BROUGHROY Broughroy Broughroy Broughroy Thomas Soutar Esqr. Mr. John Lawrie Mr. William Lyall 095 A very prominent ridge thickly planted with wood situated near the west Lodge of Monzie Castle, property of William Johnston Esqr. of Laithrisk.
OS1/25/59/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/16 CUILT Cuilt Cuilt Cuilt Cuilt Cuilt Thomas Soutar Esqr. Mr John Lawrie Mr. William Lyall Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnston's Co [County] Map New Statistical Account 095 A small farmsteading dwelling house and offices one storey, all slated and in good repair. property of William Johnston Esq of Lathrisk.
OS1/25/59/16 GREEN OF MONZIE Green of Monzie Green of Monzie Green of Monzie Green of Monzie Green Thomas Soutar Esqr. Mr John Lawrie Mr. William Lyall New Statistical Account Johnston's Co [County] Map 095 A small cot house, one storey thatched and in poor repair property of William Johnston Esqr. of Lathrisk.
OS1/25/59/16 STANDING STONE [Green of Monzie] Standing Stone Standing Stone Standing Stone Thomas Soutar Esqr. Mr. John Lawrie Mr. William Lyall 095 This name applies to a large boulder stone, that stands on end in the park of Monzie it is said to be of Druidical origin.
OS1/25/59/16 [Page] 16 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/17 MONZIE CASTLE Monzie Castle Monzie Castle Monzie Castle Monzie Castle House of Monzie Monzie-house Monzie Ho [House] Mr. John Laurie Mr. William Lyall Mr. Thomas Soutar Valuation Roll 1857-8 New Statistical Account Fullarton's Gazetteer Johnston's Co. [County] Map 095 A fine castellated Mansion, situated a little below the village of Monzie, three stories in height, offices one, property of William Johnstone Esqr. "In the garden of Monzie are five larches, remarkable for their age, growth and symmetry. They are coeval with the celebrated larches of Dunkeld, having been brought along with them to the country from the same place, and are now superior to them in beauty and size. The tallest measures 102 feet in perpendicular height: another is 22 feet in circumference at the ground, 16 feet, and at the distance of 2½ feet from the ground, 16 feet, and it throws out branches to the extraordinary distance of 48 and 55 feet from the trunk. The late Duke of Athol, it would appear, evinced a more than ordinary degree of interest in the progress of those fine trees, - sending his gardener annually thither to observe their growth. When this functionery returned and made his wonted report, that the larches at Monzie were leaving those of Dunkeld behind in the race, his Grace would joculerly allege, that his srvant had permitted General Campbell's good cheer to impair his powers of observation." New Statistical Account
OS1/25/59/17 [Page] 17 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/18 DRUIDICAL TEMPLE (Remains of) [Monzie Castle] Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. John Laurie Mr. William Lyall 095 The Remains of a Druidical Temple in the demesne of Monzie, it consists of seven Stones, at irregular distances apart, the highest of which is about 2 feet. "But to return to the parish of Monzie. There are, first, its Druidic monuments, consisting either of a single stone of large dimensions standing on end, or of a whole group arranged in the form of a circle. Specimens of both may be seen in the park of Monzie *** A large Druid Stone with rude carving upon it, lies on the side of the public road, between the villages of Monzie and Keppoch. This was one of a circle, which Mr. Monroe, the then minister of the parish, caused to be broken and dispersed; the rest are now built into the stone wall which surrounds the glebe." New Statistical Account. The stone mentioned in the foregoing extract still lies at the road side. The place from which is was taken cannot be pointed out.
OS1/25/59/18 [Page] 18 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/19 KNOCK OF CRIEFF Knock of Crieff Knock of Crieff Knock of Crieff Cnoc or Knock of Crieff Knock Cnock (of Crieff) Mr. Thomas Soutar Writer, Crieff Mr. Robert Arnot Assessor, Crieff Mr. Robert Faikney Laiker by Crieff New Stat[Statistical] Account Crieff Parish New Stat[Statistical] Account Monzie Parish New Stat[Statistical] Account Monzievaird Parish 095 A long and prominent ridge of hill, thickly wooded, property of Lord Abercrombie, Airthrey Castle, by Stirling. "The only eminence of any consequnce are the Cnoc or Knock of Crieff, a hill of an oval shape, which rises immediately behind the house of Ferntower to the height of about 400 feet above the level of the the &c" New Statistical Account
OS1/25/59/19 KELTIE BRIDGE Keltie Bridge Keltie Bridge Keltie Bridge Mr. Hugh Millar, Factor Ochtertyre, by Crieff Estate Map, dated 1861 Mr. John Laurie 095 A stone bridge of one arch spanning the Keltie Burn on the T.P. [Turn Pike] road leading from Comrie to Monzie, built and supported by the county.
OS1/25/59/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/20 KATE McNIEVEN'S CRAIG McNieven's Craig Kate McNiven's Craig Kate McNieven's Craig Kate McNieven's Craig Kate McNieven's Craig New Stat[Statistical] Account Monzie Parish New Stat[Statistical] Account Crieff Parish Mr. John Laurie Mr. William Lyall Mr. Thomas Soutar 095 "For more than two hundred years antecedent to this period, the mania of burning for witchcraft had raged with violence all over Europe. History informs us, that about the year 1515, 500 witches were executed at Geneva in the short space of three months; in the diocese of Como, 1000 in one year; in Germany alone, from the year 1484 to the supression of persecution for witchcraft, 100,000. England, according to Barrington, put to death 30,000; and Scotland, with a narrower field and a smaller population, was nothing behind, - multitudes being burnt in every part of the Kingdom. Need it excite wonder then, if in this sanguinary and appalling tragedy, when "one half of the population was either bewitching or bewitched," - the parish of Monzie should have immolated one solitary victim. Tradition informs us, that the name of the woman who was burned for this alleged crime was McNieven. The scene of her execution was the brow of a hill, commonly called the Knock and the particular spot still recognized by the name of McNieven's Craig. Whether or not she was convicted before the Court of Judiciary is now uncertain; but as the privy council was in the practice of granting commissions to the resident gentlemen and ministers, to examine, and afterwards to try and execute witches all over Scotland, it is probable that this unfortunate creature was convicted before one of those local tribunals. The date of this transaction must be between 1711 and 1722, when the last execution for witchcraft in Scotland took place in Dornoch. While at the stake, she is represented, like the sibyl of old, as pouring out predictions and denunciations: but these, in all probability, are much beholden to the inventive powers of others, and were they now detailed, could not afford gratification to any rational mind. The unshaken belief of the people in witchcraft, and the atrocities of what, it is feared, was little better than a popular and lawless execution , must have been powerfully operated upon their heated minds; for even to this day, when viewed at a distance through time's dusky horizon, the "Witch of Monzie" presents to the imagination a certain undefined magnitude, shedding a dim inglorious halo around this periodof our parochial history." New Statistical Account The plan to which the foregoing extract applies is a prominent and rocky feature, forming the north-east shoulder of the Knock of Crieff.
OS1/25/59/20 [page] 20 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/21 BOG BURN Bog Burn Bog Burn Bog Burn Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. William Lyall Mr. John Laurie 095 A small Stream which rises on the high ground north of the village of Gilmerton and after a short course falls into Cultoquhey Burn. It forms the boundary between the parishes of Fowlis Wester and Monzie for some distance.
OS1/25/59/21 [Page] 21
OS1/25/59/22 Site of SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGE [Monzie Castle] (Site of) Subterranean Passage (Site of) Subterranean Passage (Site of) Subterranean Passage Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. John Laurie Mr. William Lyall 095 The site of an openeing of a subterranean passage, the orifice of which was closed some years ago. "Adjoining these is a subterranean building of wide construction, having a few steps of a stone stair within it. The roof is gone, and the building itself is but partially laid open to the view. When explored a few years ago, there were found in it a sword and a stone hatchet, both of which are now preserved in Monzie House" New Statistical Account
OS1/25/59/22 [Page] 22 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/23 STRATH EARN Strath Earn Strath Earn Strath Earn Revd. [Reverend] James Taylor Mr. James Laurie Mr. John Gorrie 095 The basin of the River Earn. A beautiful and expansive valley extending from Loch Earn to where the River of the same name joins the River Tay. It comprehends portions of a considerable number of parishes, is in a high state of cultivation, and is dotted here and there with villages, farmsteadings, and many beautiful mansions. During the existence of hereditary jurisdiction, this district constituted a stewartry. Property of various persons.
OS1/25/59/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Monzie
OS1/25/59/24 MILQUHANZIE HILL Milquhanzie Hill Milquhanzie Hill Milquhanzie Hill Mr. William Lyall, Sub Factor Monzie Estate, Monzie James Maxtone, Esqr., Cultoquhey, by Crieff Mr. John Gorrie, Farmer, Ibert by Monzie 095 A small but prominent hill of an oval shape, and all thickly planted with fir except part of its north side. Its south and west sides are somewhat steep, but on the north and east it rises with a gradual slope. Probable height from its base two hundred feet. The boundary between the parishes of Monzie and Fowlis Wesyer crosses over its top. Its east side is the property of James Maxtone, Esqr., Cultoquhey, its west belongs to William Johnstone Esqr., Monzie Castle. In the New Stat [Statistical] Account this hill is called Glowero'erhim, and is known as such in the district by a number of persons. Mr. Maxtone, one of the proprietors, however, states that its correct name is Milquhanzie Hill, and that he has many old documents connected with his property to confirm the same. Ther was a farm on one occasion called Glowero'erhim, of which the hill formed part, and it is from that circumstance that the people in the locality now apply the name to the hill.
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OS1/25/59/25 CRAIGINTORE Craigintore Craigintore Craigintore Craigentore Craigintore James Maxtone Graham Esqr. Thomas Soutar Esqr Mr. Duncan Robertson Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnston's Co. [County] Map 095 A small farmsteading dwellinghouse and offices one storey in height, slated and in good repair, property of William Johnstone Esqr. Monzie Castle.
OS1/25/59/25 UPPER CRAIGINTORE Upper Craigintore Upper Craigintore Upper Craigintore Upper Craigentore James Maxtone Graham Esqr. Thomas Soutar Mr. Duncan Robertson Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A small farmsteading dwelling house and offices one storey in height, thatched and in bad repair, property of William Johnstone Esqr. Monzie Castle.
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OS1/25/59/26 FREE CHURCH [Monzie] Free Church Free Church Free Church James Maxtone Graham Esqr. Cultoquhey, by Crieff Mr. Thomas Soutar Writer Crieff Mr. Duncan Robertson Land Steward Abercairney 095 A place of worship in the suburbs of Gilmerton belonging to the Free Church body, it is built of wood, and slated, property of the Free Church of Scotland.
OS1/25/59/26 CRAIGINTORE COTTAGE Craigintore Cottage Craigintore Cottage Craigintore Cottage Craigentore Cottage James Maxtone Graham Esqr. Mr. Thomas Soutar Mr. Duncan Robertson Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A neat cottage, two storeys in height, slated and in very good repair the residence and property of the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Ormond.
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OS1/25/59/27 ALTINA COTTAGE Altina Cottage Altina Cottage Altina Cottage Altena Estate Map of Dollerie Mr. James Christie Mr. Peter McAra Valuation Roll 1857-8 095 A neat Cottage with offices, all one storey in height, slated and in good repair, the residence and property of Anthony Murray Esqr. of Dollerie, by Crieff.
OS1/25/59/27 [Page] 27 County of Perth -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1 Strath Earn - see page 23 for this name. See page for this name Authorities: Mr. James Christie Mr. Peter McAra Mr. James Gibson A large and extensive valley - the basin of the River Earn it extends from the foot of Loch Earn, to where the River joins the Tay, it comprehends portions of a considerable number of parishes, is in a high state of cultivation and contains within its limits numerous villages, Mansions, Farmsteadings and detached dwellings, property various persons.
OS1/25/59/28 RIVER EARN River Earn River Earn River Earn Mr. Peter McAra Land Steward Dollerie Mr. James Christie Schoolmaster, Innerpeffray Mr. James Gibson Powmill, by Crieff 107 A large River which flows from Loch Earn and after a course of several miles falls into the Tay. Its principal tributaries are the Lednock, Ruchill, Turret, Pow, Machany and Ruthven; its banks are gently low, and passing, as it does, through the centre of the beautiful valley of Strath Earn forms the principal feature therein.
OS1/25/59/28 POW WATER Pow Water Pow Water Pow Water Mr. Peter McAra Mr. James Christie Mr. James Gibson A large Stream which rises in the parish of Methven, and after a circuitous course of several miles falls into the River Earn, its channel is generally an artificial one.
OS1/25/59/28 [Page] 28 County of Perth -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1
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OS1/25/59/30 INNERPEFFRAY CASTLE (In Ruins) Innerpeffray Castle (1660) Innerpeffray Castle (1660) James Christie Librn. [Librarian] Innerpeffray Madderty Peter Fergusson Schoolmaster &c. Muthil James McRosty Banker Crieff 107 The ruins of a small baronial residence on the north bank of the River Earn, on the estate of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix it was built about 1660. walls, staircase, and some of the apartments are entire, and within the memory of some of the old residents in the locality was occupied by a tenant farmer. It never was a place of any note & appears to have been a second structure.
OS1/25/59/30 [Page] 30 Sheet 107 No.8 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1
OS1/25/59/31 [Page] 31 [Blank Page]
OS1/25/59/32 INNERPEFFRAY FREE LIBRARY Innerpeffray Library (Endowed) Innerpeffray Library (Endowed) Innerpeffray Library (Endowed) James Christie Librarian, Innerpeffray by Madderty James McRosty Banker Crieff Documents re- Libarary 107 A square building on the N.W. [North West] side of the Chapel of Innerpeffray, the ground floor is occupied as a dwelling house and the upper flat contains the library, bequeathed by David - Lord Madertie in 1691 for the use of Students in the district who had been admitted members of a University, it consists of about 2800 Volumes, chiefly theological, classical, & historical writings, of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and a number of black letter Volumes. Since 1844 it has been open to the reading population of the district. It is on the Est. [Estate] of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix
OS1/25/59/32 [Page] 32 Sheet 107. No.8. -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1
OS1/25/59/33 SOUTH MAINS South Mains South Mains South Mains Mains James Christie Peter Allan Dollerie Muir Madderty James Allan Dollerie Mu ir Madderty Valuation Roll 1857-8 107 A dwelling house, farm steading and offices, one story, slated and in bad repair the property of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/33 [Page] 33 Sheet 107. No.8 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1 LINN BANE Omit J.G. Peatt Capt. [Captain] R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/25/59/34 SCHOOL [Cromlix] School (Partly Endowed) School (Partly Endowed) James Christie Schoolmaster, Innerpeffray, by Madderty James McRosty Banker Crieff Documents re- School 107 A neat built schoolhouse with a dwelling house attachd. [attached] Lord Madertie bequeathed funds for the endowment of a School, the management of which mortification was for a long time unsatisfactory, the School is now be very efficiently taught, the average number of Scholars may be taken at forty, a certain number of boys & girls in the district are taught at a lower rate of fees - all of which are received by the teacher there is also a Schoolmistress in connection with the establishment. It is on the Cromlix estate.
OS1/25/59/34 [Page] 34 Sheet 107 No.8 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1
OS1/25/59/35 NORTH MAINS North Mains North Mains North Mains Mains James Christie Peter Allan Muir of Dollerie by Madderty James Allan Muir of Dollerie by Madderty Valuation Roll 1857 - 8 107 A dwelling house, farmsteading & Offices, two stories, slated & in good repair, the property of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix
OS1/25/59/35 [Page] 35 Sheet 107 No 4 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No. 1
OS1/25/59/36 WEST HILL West Hill West Hill West Hill Westhill Westhill W. [West] Hill Lease of Farm James Allan West Hill by Madderty James Christie, Librarian &c Innerpeffray by Madderty James McRosty, Banker, Crieff Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 107 A dwelling house, farm steading & offices, 1 story, slated, and in bad repair the property of Captain Drummond of Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/36 COBLEHAUGH Coblehaugh Coblehaugh Coblehaugh Ferry Coblehaugh James Christie James McRosty, Banker Crieff Peter Allan Muir of Dollerie Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 107 A dwelling house, Offices with a Smithy on the N. [North] side of the River Earn, & on the estate of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix
OS1/25/59/36 INNERPEFFRAY FERRY Innerpeffray Ferry Innerpeffray Ferry James Christie James McRosty Peter Allan 107 A ferry across the River Earn which plies a Coble boat, near Innerpeffray Chapel.
OS1/25/59/36 [Page] 36 Sheet 107 No.4 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1
OS1/25/59/37 MILLHILLS BRIDGE Millhill Bridge Millhill Bridge Millhill Bridge James Gibson Pow Mill by Crieff Peter Gibson Pow Mill by Crieff James Christie Librarian &c Innerpeffray by Crieff 107 A small stone bridge of one arch over the Pow Water about 13 chains N.W. [north West] from Innerpeffray Lodge on a Statute Labor Road.
OS1/25/59/37 POWMILL Powmill Powmill Powmill Powmill New mill James Gibson Peter Gibson James Christie Valuation Roll 1857-8 Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 107 A dwelling house, farm steading & Offices, one story, slated, & in good repair the property of Capt. [Captain] Drummond Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/37 INNERPEFFRAY LODGE Innerpeffray Lodge Innerpeffray Lodge Innerpeffray Lodge James Gibson Peter Gibson James Christie 107 A neat built cottage with a small garden &c. attached, one story, slated & in good repair the property of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/37 [Page] 37 Sheet 107 No.4 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1 MILLHILLS BRIDGE See authorities in Crieff Name Book for Millhills
OS1/25/59/38 MUIR OF INNERPEFFRAY Muir of Innerpeffray Muir of Innerpeffray Muir of Innerpeffray James Christie James Gibson Peter Gibson Valuation Roll 1857-8 107 A small dwelling house with an outhouse attached one story, thatched, & in good repair the property of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/38 INNERPEFFRAY WOOD Innerpeffray Wood Innerpeffray Wood Innerpeffray Wood Peter McAra Land Stewart Dolerie by Crieff James Gibson Peter Gibson 107 A fir wood on the north side of the road leading from Muthil to Auchterarder, on the estate of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/38 ALTINA WOOD Altina Wood Altina Wood Altina Wood Estate Map of Dollerie Mr. Peter McAra Mr. James Christie 095 ; 107 A patch of wood along the banks of the Millen Burn, the property of Anthony Murray Esqr. of Dollerie.
OS1/25/59/38 [Page] 38 Sheet 107 No.4 -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1
OS1/25/59/39 [Page] 39 [Blank Page]
OS1/25/59/40 INNERPEFFRAY CHAPEL Innerpeffray Chapel Innerpeffray Chapel Innerpeffray Chapel Innerpeffray Kirk James Christie Librarian &c. Innerpeffray by Madderty James McRosty Banker, Crieff Peter Allan Dollerie Muir by Madderty General Roy's Antiquities of Scotland 107 A chapel & graveyard situated on eminence on the north bank of the River Earn at Innerpeffray Ferry - the walls & roof are entire and in good preservation and the graveyard is still used as a place of interment, the interior of the Chapel contains the burial places of the Drummond & Strathallan families. In the Archive Chest of the Drummond family, documents are preserved, showing that it was erected in 1510 by John - 1st Lord Drummond of Perth, who mortified an aliment for the Provost & established it the burial place of the family, in all time coming. It is on the property of Capt. [Captain] Drummond of Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/40 [Page] 40 Sheet 107. No.8 -- Parish of Mozie Detd. [Detached] No.1
OS1/25/59/41 PARKNEUK COTTAGE Parkneuk Cottage Parkneuk Cottage Parkneuk Cottage James McCrostie Esqr. Mr. James Christie Mr. James Gibson 108 A neat one storey cottage, with Offices, all slated and in good repair property of Captain H. Drummond, Cromlix.
OS1/25/59/41 MILLEN BURN Millen Burn Millen Burn Millen Burn Estate Map of Dollerie Mr. James Chrstie Mr. Thomas McAra Land Steward, Dollerie 108 A small stream which rises between the farms of Muirton and Muirmouth, and forming the boundary between the parishes of Madderty, Trinity Gask, and Monzie Det[Detached] falls into the Pow Water at Altina Cottage.
OS1/25/59/41 GELLY BURN Gelly Burn Gelly Burn Gelly Burn Mr. Thomas Duff Mills of Earn Mr. Alexander McEwen Muir O'Lee Mr. James McCall East Mains 108 A small stream which rises near the farmsteading of Shearerston, and after a short course falls into the River Earn at Colquhanzie. It forms part of the boundary between the parish of Trinity Gask and Monzie detached for the whole course.
OS1/25/59/41 [Page] 41 County of Perth -- Parish of Monzie Detached No.1
OS1/25/59/42 Site of ROMAN ROAD [Innerpeffray Wood] (Site of) Roman Road (Site of) Roman Road (Site of) Roman Road James McCrostie Esqr Banker Crieff Mr. James Christie Schoolmaster, Innerpeffray Mr. James Gibson Pow Mill, by Crieff 108 The site of a part of the Roman Road leading from Ardoch to Stormont, It is traceable through Innerpeffray Wood, the remainder of it, in this detached portion of the parish of Monzie, is destroyed.
OS1/25/59/42 ROMAN OUTPOST [Innerpeffray Wood] Roman Outpost Roman Outpost Roman Outpost James McRostie Esqr. Mr. James Christie Mr. James Gibson 108 A circular entrenchment near the Roman Road which tradition says to be a Roman outpost, it consists of one circular trench without rampart, and is in a very entire state.
OS1/25/59/42 [Page] 42 County of Perth -- Parish of Monzie Detd. [Detached] No.1 [Signed] J. E. Pratt Capt. R. E. [Captain Royal Engineers]
OS1/25/59/43 [Page] 43 [Volume] 59 OS1/25/59 [Date Stamp] ORDNANACE SURVEY M S. STORE 28 APR. [APRIL] 1898 SOUTHAMPTON NAME BOOK OF THE PARISH OF Monzie and (Monzie Detd. [Detached] No. 1 - Since 1891 in Methven parish) Logiealmond since 1889 On the 1/2500 Scale. IN THE COUNTY OF PERTH For the remainder of Monzie (Proper) see Name Book of Six inch sheet 83
OS1/25/59/44 [Page] 44 Names of Objects -- Page Allt Garbh -- 8 Altina Cottage -- 27 Altina Wood -- 38 Bog Burn -- 21 Brae of Monzie -- 6 Broughroy -- 15 Church -- 9 Coblehaugh -- 36 Craigintore -- 25 Craigintore Cottage -- 26 Craig Kipnacline -- 6 Cuilt -- 16 Dogmill Pond -- 15 Druidical Temple (Remains of) -- 18 Falls of Keltie -- 13 Falls of Monzie -- 7 Free Church -- 26 Gelly Burn -- 41 Green of Monzie -- 16 Ibert -- 7 Ibert Burn -- 8 Innerpeffray Castle (In Ruins) -- 30 Innerpeffray Chapel 1510 -- 40 Innerpeffray Ferry -- 36 Innerpeffray Free Library (Endowed) -- 32 Innerpeffray Lodge -- 37 Innerpeffray Wood -- 38 Jougs -- 9 Kate Mcnieven's Craig -- 20 Keltie Bridge -- 19 Keltie Burn -- 13 Keppoch -- 11 Knock of Crieff -- 19 Knock Durroch -- 12 Lagvinshag -- 6 Littleton -- 5 Loch More -- 15 Manse -- 7 Millen Burn -- 41 Millhills Bridge -- 37 Milquhanzie Hill -- 24 Monzie (Parish) -- 1 Monzie (Village) -- 10 Monzie Castle -- 17 Muir of Innerpeffray -- 38 North Mains -- 35 Parkneuk Burn -- 8 Parkneuk Cottage -- 41 Powmill -- 37 Pow Water -- 28 River Earn -- 28 Site of Roman Outpost -- 12 Roman Outpost -- 42 Site of Roman Road -- 42 School -- 11 School -- 34 Shaggie Burn -- 14 Skirlie Craig -- 3 South Mains -- 33 Spout Bane -- 14 Standing Stone -- 16 Strath Earn -- 23 Site of Subterranean Passage -- 22 Upper Craigintore -- 25 West Hill -- 36