
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
FORT (Remains of) [Hound Hill] Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Fort (Remains of)
Mr Todd Haswellsykes
Mr Home Lynesmill
Mr Proudfoot Crosshouses
012 [Situation] On Hound Hill

On Hound Hill there exists the Remains of a British Hill Fort which Consisted of three rings or circles, the inner one being quite Entire And Portions of the other two being quite discernible
Site of FORT [Woodhouse Hill] Fort (Remains of )
Fort (Remains of)
Mr Alexander E. [East] Dawick
Mr Proudfoot Crosshouses
012 [Situation] About ¾ of a Mile N.W. [North West] of Woodhouse

On the South west Side of Hound hill - is the remains of a fort, consisting of a circular embankment in a good state of preservation,
Thro [through] its centre, the ph [parish] boundary passes.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 8
Parish of Manor -- Sheet 12 No 12 -- Trace 4

[Note] -- "Besides the fortifications already mentioned three other
circular entrenchments of much smaller dimensions are
severally visible upon Houndhill Woodhouse and Ring-Knoll
of Hallmanor but these appear to have been erected for the protection
of live stock during the incursions of the English which owing to the proximity
of this district to the borders of England were very frequent". -- New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]

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