
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Supposed Site of ST GORDIAN'S KIRK Supposed Site of St Gordians Kirk Adam Anderson Kirkhope
Robert Anderson Langhaugh
016 [Situation] About 46 Chains S.W. [South West] of Langhaugh

At the Spot here indicated the ground presents many irregularities and tracks of what would appear to have been buildings, which apparently were of some extent. There are no persons alive in this locality who can give any information about it - excepting within Several of their memories - there were the remains of Several buildings at this place and the Stones of which, have from time to time been removed for different purposes. It is generally recognised as the place where the Kirk Stood, being at the entrance to Newholm Hope.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 59
[Sheet] 16 No 16 -- Trace 4 -- Parish of Manor

"The Church Stood on Newholmhope near
the head of the glen, until the middle of the Seventeenth
Century, when it was removed to its Present site, in
the lower district of the Parish. It was Known as,
'Saint Gordians Kirk', or 'Saint Gorghain's Chapel',
from its dedication Either to St Gordian who was beheaded
at Rome under Julian the Apostate, About the year
362 or to St Gorgon, a eunuch of the Imperial
Palace, who was martyred under Dioclesian about
the year 300. The feast of Saints Gordian and
Epimachus, Martyrs, was Kept by the Scottish
Church on the tenth of May; that of St Gorgon, Martyr,
on the ninth of September - Of the Ancient Church in
the year 1715, nothing was to be seen but the rubbish
and ruins " -- Origines Parochiales Scotiea Page 239

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