
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MIDDLE MILL (Corn) Mr Taylor Miller Middle Mill
Mr W Wilson Lasswade
007 A corn mill worked by water conveyed from the N [North] Esk by a Race. and is chiefly employed by the farmers of Lord Melville's estate and neighbouring farmers. It is the property of Lord Melville.
ST ANNE'S FACTORY (Carpets &c) [Lasswade] Mr Henderson Manufactu[rer]
Name on the building
007 An extensive carpet manufactory on the N [north] bank of the N [North] Esk the property of Messers Henderson and Widnell Manufacturers
WADEINBURN John Bell Wadeinburn
Mr Smith Grocer Lasswade
007 A few dwelling houses with gardens attached and chiefly occupied by farm labourers etc. Situated about 1/2 mile [one half mile] N.W. [north west] of Lasswade on the road to Edinr [Edinburgh]

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Welsh Wren