
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
TOLBOOTH (1590) [Musselburgh] Tolbooth
Adam Gordon Town Clerk
William Bourhill
[Situation] On the N. [North] side of High St.
An ancient edifice in the Gothic Style Surmounted on the west end by a spire, with an ancient looking clock. It answers the purpose of a prison for debtors &c. It is said to have been built Shortly after the Reformation, from the materials of the Celebrated Chapel of Loretto.
"The chapel of Loretto underwent a speedy repair but what war & wasting fire had spared was soon destined to utter demolition in the zeal of the reformation; and in 1590 the materials of that edifice to which so many thousand pilgrimages had for centuries been made were carried away for the construction of the present Tolbooth adjoining the more modern Town-hall and assembly Room.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 11
Parish of Inveresk

88 - Tolbooth (1590)

Transcriber's notes

This Name Book refers to Musselburgh 1853 - Sheet 08
OS large scale Scottish town plans, 1847-1895 - Scale: 1:1056

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Bizzy- Moderator, JCB

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