
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Montrose] U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
Rev. [Reverend] Mr. Anderson,
Mr. Wood
G.C. Myres Esqr.
035 A handsome edifice the interior of which is well fitted up with pews, Gallery &c. for the accommodation of 750 sitters.
Middle Links
Middle Links
Mr. Wood,
G.C. Myres Esqr.
Mr. Burness, High Street
035 A considerable tract of public ground or commonty extending from Dorward's House of Refuge as far south as a short distance below the Academy.
UNION STREET [Montrose] Union Street
Union Street
Union Street
Corner Tickets
Mr. Wood
G.C. Myres Esqr.
035 A fine Street leading easterly from the Middle Links and terminating at the Union Mill
UNION PLACE [Montrose] Union Place
Union Place
Union Place
Corner Tickets
Mr. Wood
G.C. Myres Esqr.
035 A few fine dwelling houses at the west end of Union St.

Continued entries/extra info

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Alison James- Moderator, Caspell

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