Aberdeenshire volume 07

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info
OS1/1/7/1 AUCHTERLESS Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Auchterless Valuation Roll 1860 Slaters Directory of Scotland 1860 Robertsons Map of Aberdeen Blacks Map of Scotland Fullarton's Gazetteer Oliver & Boyd's Almanac 1865 Sheriffs List of Parishes New Statistical Account British Postal Guide 1866 018 ; 019 ; 027 ; 028 ; 034 ; 035 ; 036 The parish of Auchterless is in the presbytery of Turriff and synod of Aberdeen, and in the Western Division of the County, it is bounded on the north and north east by the parish of Turriff, on the north west by the parish of Inverkeithing Banffshire, on the west by the parish of Forgue, on the South by the parishes of Rayne & Culsalmond and on the Southeast & east by the parish of Fyvie. The parish of Auchterless contains about 16842 statute acres, there are no detached portions of it within any other parish nor are there any detached portions of any other parish situated within it. "Its surface is the upper basin of the Ythan, from within about a mile of the source of that stream, onward to the north eastern boundary. The soil is gravelly and lies on a formation of clay-slate. About one third of the whole surface is uncultivated and about 500 acres are under wood". Fullartons Gazetteer. It contains the small hamlet of Kirktown and the small struggling village of Gordonstown.
OS1/1/7/1 [Page] 1 Co. [County] Aberdeen]
OS1/1/7/2 [Page] 2 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/3 CROFT OF CARLINCRAIG Croft of Carlincraig Mr. John Simpson Tenant Mr. Durno Mr. William Reith 018 A small Croft; & house the property of "Chambers' Hospital" Banff Tenant Mr. John Simpson
OS1/1/7/3 FLOORS Floors Mr. John Simpson Mr. Durno Mr. William Reith 018 A large farm steading the property of Garden Hatton Esq. Tenant, Mr. Durno.
OS1/1/7/3 BACKHILL Backhill Mr. John Simpson Mr. Durno Mr. William Reith 018 A small farm steading; on the Hatton property Tenant Alexander Clarke
OS1/1/7/3 [Page] 3 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/4 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Backhill] Druids Altar Alexander Clarke, Backhill Mr. Durno Leslie Garden, Auldyoch 018 This consists, apparently, of a heap (six or eight) of large stones piled together in an oblong form; but underneath those, may be observed, a similarly shaped Mound; bearing greatly the appearance of a Grave, externally.
OS1/1/7/4 [Page] 4 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/5 [Page] 5 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Entry for 'Encampment' is crossed out]. [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/6 PICTS HOUSES (Remains of) [Backhill] Picts Houses Remains of Mr. J. Beattie Mr. William Reith Mr. A. Stuart 018 ; 027 These are circular mounds of about fifty links diameter: they are slightly hollow towards the centre the mound which appears to have been raised by the earth taken from the interior is about eighteen inches higher than the surrounding surface
OS1/1/7/6 [Page] 6 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/7 HAREMOSS LOCH Haremoss Loch Mr. William Reith; Gordonstown Mr. Durno; Floors Mr. Simpson; Carlincraig 018 A small Loch; the parish boundary between Auchterless and Turriff passes through it; there appears to be nothing of moment about it.
OS1/1/7/7 [Page] 7 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/8 [Page] 8 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/9 CROFT OF PITGLASSIE Croft of Pitglassie Mr. A. Robertson. occupier Mr. J. Weir Mid Pitglassie Mr. J. Reid Crofter Pitglassie 019 A Crofters dwelling with a few acres of arable land attached, the property of Mrs. J. Milne. Turtorty House Bridge of Marnoch
OS1/1/7/9 NORTH PITGLASSIE North Pitglassie Mr. J. Reid Occupier 019 A Crofters dwelling with office houses and garden attached, the property of Mrs. J. Milne
OS1/1/7/9 BURN OF HOWEMILL Burn of Howemill Mr. A. Robertson. Mr. J. Weir Mid Pitglassie Mr. J. Reid Crofter Pitglassie 019 A Small burn Commencing at the Mill of Uppermill called the Burn of Kingsford near the Farm of Kingsford & flowing into the River Ythan at the farm of Towie
OS1/1/7/9 [Page] 9 [County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/10 [Page] 10 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/11 BURN OF CLIFTBOG Burn of Cliftbog Burn of Cleftbog Burn of Cliftbog Mr. R. Chapman. Crofter Cliftbog. Mr. Shirran farmer, Upper Mill. Mr. Brown Crofter Backhill of Uppermill See Authorities in Turriff parish James Macdonald Esqre., The Fm. [Farm], Huntly N.B. [North Britain] 019 A Small burn rising on the lands of Cliftbog and flowing eastwards; until it enters a Mill Dam; at the Public Road which runs from Turriff to the Pitglassies.
OS1/1/7/11 WOOD OF UPPERMILL Wood of Uppermill Mr. R. Chapman. Crofter Cliftbog. Mr. Shirran farmer, Upper Mill. Mr. Brown Crofter Backhill of Uppermill 019 A Small fir plantation Situate. a Short distance north of the farm of Upper Mill. The property of Mrs. J. Milne. Turtorty House.
OS1/1/7/11 BACKHILL OF UPPERMILL Backhill of Uppermill Mr. R. Chapman. Crofter Cliftbog. Mr. Shirran farmer, Upper Mill. Mr. Brown Crofter Backhill of Uppermill 019 A Crofters dwelling with a few acres of arable land attached the property of Mrs. J. Milne
OS1/1/7/11 [Page] 11 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Note relating to 'Cliftbog'] - Cleftbog on Trace. The Val. [Valuation] Roll '95 [1895] spells both in Auchterless & Turriff, Cliftbog, [Initialled] JMD [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/12 UPPERMILL Uppermill Mr. Shirran occupier Mr. R Duguid Mill of Uppermill Valuation for 1869 & 1870 019 A large farm Steading with office houses and garden attached; the property of Mrs. J Milne. Turtory House - there is also a corn mill attached.
OS1/1/7/12 BURN OF UPPERMILL Burn of Uppermill Mr. Shirran Mr. R Duguid Mill of Uppermill Valuation for 1869 & 1870 019 A Small burn rising near Upper Pitglassie and flowing into the Burn of Howemill at the Mill of Uppermill
OS1/1/7/12 [Page] 12 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Entry for 'Mill of Uppermill' is crossed out]. [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/13 [Page] 13 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/14 KINGSFORD Kingsford John Thomson. Kingsford Alexander Ellice Alexander Hutcheon 019 A large farm steading on the Estate of Towie, occupied by John Thomson. The property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/14 BRIDGE OF KINGSFORD Bridge of Kingsford (Trust) John Thomson. Kingsford Alexander Ellice Alexander Hutcheon 019 A stone bridge of one arch over the Burn of Kingsford, on the public road from Auchterless to Turriff
OS1/1/7/14 BURN OF KINGSFORD Burn of Kingsford John Thomson. Kingsford Alexander Ellice Alexander Hutcheon 019 A small stream a continuation of the Burn of Howe Mill flowing past the farm of Kingsford and flowing Eastward into the River Ythan near to the Mill of Towie
OS1/1/7/14 [Page] 14 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/15 CORRYDOWN Corrydown Mr. A. Shand Mr. P. Laird Mr. Reid. North Croft of Pitglassie 019 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. A Shand. the property of the Royal Infirmary Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/15 CROFT OF CORRYDOWN Croft of Corrydown Mr. A. Shand Mr. P. Laird Mr. Reid. North Croft of Pitglassie 019 A Crofters dwelling occupied by Mr. P. Laird the property of the Royal Infirmary. Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/15 BROWNHILL Brownhill Mr. A. Shand Mr. P. Laird Mr. Reid. North Croft of Pitglassie 019 Three Cotters dwellings the property of Mrs. J. Milne Turtory House.
OS1/1/7/15 [Page] 15 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/16 WOOD OF PITGLASSIE Wood of Pitglassie Mr. J. Weir. Mid Pitglassie Mr. Anderson, Upper Pitglassie. Mr. Shand Corrydown 019 A large fir Plantation Situate; a Short distance Eastwards from Upper Pitglassie the property of Mrs. J. Milne. Turtorty House
OS1/1/7/16 MID PITGLASSIE Mid Pitglassie Mr. J. Weir. Mid Pitglassie Mr. Anderson, Upper Pitglassie. Mr. Shand Corrydown 019 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. J. Weir, the property of Mrs. J. Milne
OS1/1/7/16 WOODCROFT Woodcroft Mr. J. Weir. Mid Pitglassie Mr. Anderson, Upper Pitglassie. Mr. Shand Corrydown 019 A Small farm Steading occupied, by Mr. G. Bruce the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/16 [Page] 16 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/17 UPPER PITGLASSIE Upper Pitglassie Mr. J. Anderson, Upper Pitglassie. Mr. J. Weir Mid Pitglassie. Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead 019 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. J. Anderson the property of Mrs. J. Milne Turtorty House
OS1/1/7/17 CROFTS OF MAINS OF HATTON Crofts of Mains of Hatton Mr. J. Anderson, Upper Pitglassie. Mr. J. Weir Mid Pitglassie. Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead 019 Two Crofters dwellings occupied by Mr. Clark, also Mr. Watt. the property of the late G.W. Duff, of Hatton
OS1/1/7/17 DEN BURN Den Burn Mr. J. Anderson, Upper Pitglassie. Mr. J. Weir Mid Pitglassie. Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead 019 A Small burn rising near the farm of Woodcroft and flowing to the north; It enters the burn of Howemill near the Croft of Corrydown
OS1/1/7/17 [Page] 17 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/18 BACKHILL OF THOMASTOWN Backhill of Thomastown Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead Mr. G. Bruce, Woodcroft Mr. James Gray Backhill of Thomastown 019 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. J. Gray. It is the property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/18 WOOD OF THOMASTOWN Wood of Thomastown Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead Mr. G. Bruce, Woodcroft Mr. James Gray Backhill of Thomastown 019 A fir plantation Situate a short distance to the East of the farm of Backhill of Thomastown, the property of the Royal Infirmary Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/18 [Page] 18 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Entry for 'Arnhead' is crossed out]. [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/19 [Page] 19 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/20 WOOD OF ARNHEAD Wood of Arnhead Mr. J. Gray, Backhill of Thomastown. Mr. A. Shand, Corrydown Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead 019 A Small Plantation forest trees. Situate a Short distance South of the Wood of Thomastown G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/20 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Corrydown] Gray Stones Mr. J. Gray, Backhill of Thomastown. Mr. A. Shand, Corrydown Mr. J. Wood, Arnhead 019 A Small patch of uncultivated ground with a number of Gray Stones upon it; Supposed to be a Druidical circle; Situated 9 chains to the East of the farm of Corrydown; It is on the property of the Royal Infirmary Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/20 [Page] 20 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/21 UPPER ORDLEY Upper Ordley Alexander Ellice. Upper Ordley Alexander Hutcheon Nether Ordley Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70 019 A small farm Steading on the Estate of Towie. The property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen. Occupier. Alexander Ellice.
OS1/1/7/21 NETHER ORDLEY Nether Ordley Alexander Ellice. Upper Ordley Alexander Hutcheon Nether Ordley Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70 019 A large farm Steading on the Estate of Towie. The property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen. Occupier Alexander Hutcheon
OS1/1/7/21 THOMASTOWN Thomastoun George Strachan. Thomastoun Alexander Hutcheon Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70 019 A large farm Steading, with dwelling house and garden attached The property of the Royal Infirmary. Aberdeen Occupier George Strachan
OS1/1/7/21 [Page] 21 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/22 CROFT OF NETHER ORDLEY Croft of Nether Ordley William Cowie, Croft of Nether Ordley. William Scott, Inverthernie William Simpson. 019 A small croft & house on the farm of Nether Ordley. The property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen. Occupier William Cowie
OS1/1/7/22 CROFTS OF INVERTHERNIE Crofts of Inverthernie William Cowie, Croft of Nether Ordley. William Scott, Inverthernie William Simpson. 019 A number (4) of small crofts on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordons Hospital, Aberdeen Occupiers, William Scott, Alexander Black, William Simpson and Jean Paterson.
OS1/1/7/22 [Page] 22 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/23 COTS OF THERNIE Cots of Thernie William Scott, Inverthernie Alexander Black Inverthernie Mrs. William Taylor. Mains of Towie 019 A small steading attached to the farm of Mains of Towie, on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen. Occupier Mrs. Taylor
OS1/1/7/23 KNAPS OF THERNIE Knaps of Thernie William Scott, Inverthernie Alexander Black Inverthernie Mrs. William Taylor. Mains of Towie 019 A number of small wooded hillocks on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/23 MILL OF TOWIE (Corn) Mill of Towie John Watson Miller George Beaton. Sillerton William Leslie Wester Milltown 019 A Corn Mill and Croft on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordon's Hospital Aberdeen. Occupier John Watson.
OS1/1/7/23 [Page] 23 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/24 SILLERTON Sillerton George Beaton. Farmer. Sillerton. William Leslie. Farmer. Wester Milltown Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70. 019 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen. Occupier, George Beaton.
OS1/1/7/24 WESTER MILLTOWN Wester Milltown George Beaton. Farmer. Sillerton. William Leslie. Farmer. Wester Milltown Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70. 019 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen Occupier, William Leslie
OS1/1/7/24 DYKESIDE Dykeside George Beaton. Farmer. Sillerton. William Leslie. Farmer. Wester Milltown Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70. 019 A smithy and croft on the Estate of Towie. The property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen Occupier Alexander Brodie
OS1/1/7/24 [Page] 24 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/25 [Page] 25 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/26 RIVER YTHAN River Ythan John Watson. Mill of Towie George Beaton. Sillerton William Leslie Wester Milltown 019 A small river. It takes its rise from two springs in the upper district of Forgue, about a mile from the boundary of Auchterless. It flows through the Vale in a north easterly direction, and discharges its waters into the German Ocean below Ellon.
OS1/1/7/26 NORTH TOWIE TURNER North Towie Turner George Kindness. North Towie Turner James Kindness. South Towie Turner Valuation Roll for the year 1869-70. 019 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. The property Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen. Occupier George Kindness
OS1/1/7/26 TOWIE BRIDGE Bridge of Towie Towie Bridge George Kindness James Kindness John Watson See the Name Book of Turriff Parish 019 A stone bridge of one arch over the River Ythan on the Turnpike road from Banff to Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/26 [Page] 26 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/27 TUMULUS (Remains of) Tumulus Leslie Garden Alexander Clarke George Byth 018 A small Hillock of earth, Ashes, and Stones; from which portions of bones, supposed to be human were taken: it is about twelve inches higher than the surface about it.
OS1/1/7/27 HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE Leslie Garden Alexander Clarke George Byth 018 A small Hillock of earth, Ashes, and Stones; from which portions of bones, supposed to be human were taken: it is about twelve inches higher than the surface about it.
OS1/1/7/27 TUMULI (Remains of) Tumuli Leslie Garden Alexander Clarke George Byth 027 Four small Hillocks in which ashes, and bones were found supposed to be human; also remains of Urns have been found in them their height above the surface is about one foot
OS1/1/7/27 URNS CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE Leslie Garden Alexander Clarke George Byth 027 Four small Hillocks in which ashes, and bones were found supposed to be human; also remains of Urns have been found in them their height above the surface is about one foot
OS1/1/7/27 [Page] 27 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/28 TUMULI (Remains of) Tumuli Leslie Garden Alexander Clarke George Byth 027 Four small Hillocks from which human remains have be extracted they are only a few inches above the surrounding surface.
OS1/1/7/28 URNS CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE Leslie Garden Alexander Clarke George Byth 027 Four small Hillocks from which human remains have be extracted they are only a few inches above the surrounding surface.
OS1/1/7/28 LEES BURN Lees Burn Mr. Forsyth. Inspector of Poor. Mr. J. Smith Bogside Mr. S. Byth. Auldyoch 027 A small stream issuing from a spring in the northern extremity of Auldyoch to the Burn of Lenshie which it joins near to Thornybank
OS1/1/7/28 [Page] 28 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/29 HASSIEWELLS Hassiewells Alexander Paterson Hassiewells Robert Cruickshank Hassiewells Alexander Smith Hassiewells 027 Five small farm steadings on the Estate of Hassiewells occupied by Widow George Taylor A Paterson R Cruickshank A Smith and A Weir. The property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/29 MAINS OF HASSIEWELLS Mains of Hassiewells Alexander Paterson Hassiewells Robert Cruickshank Hassiewells Alexander Smith Hassiewells 027 A small farm steading on the Estate of Hassiewells occupied by R. Cruickshank The property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/29 OWLS' DEN Owls Den Alexander Paterson Hassiewells Robert Cruickshank Hassiewells Alexander Smith Hassiewells 027 A small Glen on the boundary between Auchterless and Forgue The property of the Trustees of the late G.W Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/29 [Page] 29 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/30 CUMINE'S TRENCH (Remains of) Cumines Trench A. Paterson Hassiewells A. Smith Hassiewells R. Cruickshank Hassiewells 027 Supposed to have been a station made by one of the Cumines of Buchan before they were defeated by Adam o' Gordon at Strathlogie who led Robert the Bruce's troop and there obtained a decisive victory over them that led to the over throw of that powerful family. The remains of a deep cut trench the tract of it is well defined were shewn on trace from its being in a state of cultivation there is less to be seen of it every year
OS1/1/7/30 [Page] 30 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Note relating to Cumine's Trench'] - Cumming - is a more common way of spelling this name. Is this the way the Authorities spell it [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/31 NEWTOWN OF THORNYBANK Newtown of Thornybank Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Mr. John Nicol Tenant 027 A small farm stead, on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq.
OS1/1/7/31 THORNEYBANK [1895] Mr. James Macdonald, The Farm Huntly N.B. [North Britain] 027 For 1" purposes only, see remark in Index 1895
OS1/1/7/31 BACKHILL OF LENSHIE Backhill of Lenshie Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Mr. John Nicol 027 A small farm stead; on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. John Peter tenant
OS1/1/7/31 LENSHIE Lenshie Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Mr. John Nicol 027 A large farm stead, on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. James Peter tenant
OS1/1/7/31 [Page] 31 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/32 UPPER THORNYBANK Upper Thornybank Mr. Alexander Cowie Mr. William Reith Mr. Henderson Tenant 027 A large farm stead; on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq.
OS1/1/7/32 WARDHEAD Wardhead Mr. Alexander Cowie Mr. William Reith Mr. Henderson 027 A small house croft on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. Widow Forrest Tenant
OS1/1/7/32 LOWER THORNYBANK Lower Thornybank Mr. Alexander Cowie Mr. William Reith Mr. Henderson 027 A large farm stead: on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. William Hall tenant
OS1/1/7/32 [Page] 31 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/33 [Page] 33 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/34 NETHERTHIRD Netherthird Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Mr. Alexander Cowie Tenant 027 A large farm stead; on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq.
OS1/1/7/34 BURN OF LENSHIE Burn of Lenshie Mr. Alexander Cowie Mr. Alexander Munro Gallow Hill Mr. William Reith 027 A Small Burn from Lenshie to its junction with the "River Ythan" at Knockleith
OS1/1/7/34 [Page] 34 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/35 CAMP (Site of) [Logie Newton] Roman Camp (site of) J S Cruickshank - Logie Newton A Smith - Hassiewells A Roy - Bush 027 A large camp supposed to be of Roman origin - the remains of a ditch on part of the east side still remain also on the South west on the North west there is a slight trace of a ditch - as shown on trace the cart road is the supposed boundary on the north, which appears to have been made on the outside wall of the camp - It is situate on the properties of late G W Duff Esq. of Hatton & Lieut Col [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie
OS1/1/7/35 FOSSE (Remains of) [Logie Newton] J S Cruickshank - Logie Newton A Smith - Hassiewells A Roy - Bush 027 A large camp supposed to be of Roman origin - the remains of a ditch on part of the east side still remain also on the South west on the North west there is a slight trace of a ditch - as shown on trace the cart road is the supposed boundary on the north, which appears to have been made on the outside wall of the camp - It is situate on the properties of late G W Duff Esq. of Hatton & Lieut Col [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie
OS1/1/7/35 Supposed Site of ROMAN ROAD [Logie Newton] Supposed Site of Roman Road J S Cruickshank - Logie Newton A Smith - Hassiewells A Roy - Bush 017 ; 027 This road is supposed to have gone thru the Camp - from Fishers ford to Seed Hill and from thence to the Spey near to Fochabers
OS1/1/7/35 [Page] 35 Ph. [Parish] of Auchterless -- County of Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/36 LONGMAN'S GRAVE (Site of) Longmans Grave (site of) J S Cruickshank A Smith A Roy 027 There used to stand a small knowe of earth and stones - it was leveled about 8 or 9 years ago - there was no remains of any description found. It is well known in the neighbourhood. The origin is unknown
OS1/1/7/36 [Page] 36 Ph. [Parish] of Auchterless -- County of Aberdeen [Signed] A J Dransfield SRE [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/37 STONE CIRCLES (Remains of) [Kirk Hill] Druidical Circles Alexander Smith. Hassiewells Alexander Roy. Bush J.S. Cruickshank Logie Newton 027 Three small circles of white stones, situated on the South side of Kirk Hill. They are supposed to be of Druidical origins
OS1/1/7/37 An URN CONTAINING HUMAN REMAINS FOUND HERE [Logie Newton] An Urn containing Human Remains found here Alexander Smith Hassiewells Alexander Roy Bush J.S. Cruickshank Logie Newton 027 A large upright stone on the farm of Logie Newton. It was put up to mark the place where an urn was ploughed up, containing human remains.
OS1/1/7/37 [Page] 37 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken S.R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/38 LOGIE NEWTON Logie Newton J.S. Cruickshank. Logie Newton Alexander Smith. Hassiewells Alexander Roy. Bush 027 A large farm s[t]eading on the Estate of Badenscoth. The property of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie of Rothie. Occupier J.S. Cruickshank.
OS1/1/7/38 CROFT OF LOGIE NEWTON Croft of Logie Newton J.S. Cruickshank. Logie Newton Alexander Smith. Hassiewells Alexander Roy. Bush 027 A small house & Croft on the farm of Logie Newton. The property of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie of Rothie.
OS1/1/7/38 KIRK HILL Kirk Hill J.S. Cruickshank. Logie Newton Alexander Smith. Hassiewells Alexander Roy. Bush 027 A considerable Hill on the Estate of Badenscoth. The property Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie
OS1/1/7/38 [Page] 38 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken S.R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/39 LAMBSLACK Lambslack Mr. W. Mearns, Lambslack Mr. J Mearns: Bilbo Mr. P Wood: Cowley 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. W. Mearns the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/39 BILBO Bilbo Mr. W. Mearns, Lambslack Mr. J Mearns: Bilbo Mr. P Wood: Cowley 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by J. Mearns It is on the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/39 LITTLE NEWTON Little Newton Mr. W. Mearns, Lambslack Mr. J Mearns: Bilbo Mr. P Wood: Cowley 027 A Crofters dwelling occupied by Mr. Scott the property of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] J.F. Leslie; Rothie
OS1/1/7/39 [Page] 39 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/40 UPPERTHIRD Upperthird Mr. A Stephen, Upperthird Mr. Cowie, Crofter, Upperthird Mr. Wilson, Woodtown, 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. A. Stephen It is on the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/40 CROFTS OF UPPERTHIRD Crofts of Upperthird Mr. A Stephen, Upperthird Mr. Cowie, Crofter, Upperthird Mr. Wilson, Woodtown, 027 Two Crofters dwellings occupied by A. Cowie and J. Wood, the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/40 WOODTOWN Woodtown Mr. A Stephen, Upperthird Mr. Cowie, Crofter, Upperthird Mr. Wilson, Woodtown, 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. W. Wilson. the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/40 [Page] 40 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/41 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Upperthird] Gray Stones (Remains of) Mr. W. Peter, West Haughs Mr. P. Wood Cowley Mr. A. Stephen Upperthird 027 Two large gray Stones one of them Standing about 4 feet above the Surface of the ground and the other laying and is Supposed to be the remains of a Druidical Circle, and is well known in the nighbourhood; Situate on the farm of Upperthird; the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff: of Hatton
OS1/1/7/41 [Page] 41 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/42 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [West Haughs] Seven Stones Mr. W. Peter, West Haughs Mr. P. Wood, Cowley Mr. A. Stephen, Upperthird 027 A Small patch of uncultivated ground Situate on the farm of West Haughs; upon this patch of ground there is Seven Gray Stones Some of them Standing about 2 feet above the Surface of the ground; Supposed to be the remains of a Druidical Circle and is well known in the nighbourhood. It is on the property of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] J.F. Leslie of Rothie
OS1/1/7/42 [Page] 42 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C/A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/43 CROFTS OF OLDWOOD Crofts of Oldwood Mr. Cowie Netherthird Mr. W. Peter West Haughs Mr. Wilson Woodtown 027 Three Crofters dwellings and a number of Cotters; the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/43 SMITHTON Smithton Mr. Cowie Netherthird Mr. W. Peter West Haughs Mr. Wilson Woodtown 027 A Cotters dwelling on the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/43 WEST HAUGHS West Haughs Mr. Cowie Netherthird Mr. W. Peter West Haughs Mr. Wilson Woodtown 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. W. Peter, It is on the Estate of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] James F. Leslie of Rothie
OS1/1/7/43 [Page] 43 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/44 COWLEY Cowley Mr. P. Wood, Cowley Mr. Gray Miller, Mill of Littlemill Mr. Wight, Crofter 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. Peter Wood It is on the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/44 LITTLE MILL (Corn) Mill of Littlemill Mr. P. Wood, Cowley Mr. Gray Miller, Mill of Littlemill Mr. Wight, Crofter 027 A Meal Mill and Two Crofters dwellings, occupiers Mr. Gray and Mr. R Wight; the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff: of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/44 [Page] 44 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/45 LOGIE OLDTOWN Logie Auldtown Logie Oldtown Mr. A. Robertson, Farmer, Mr. J. Boyd, blacksmith Mr. A. Roy Farmer, Valuation Roll (publ) [published] 1800 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. A. Robertson It is on the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/45 LOGIE AULDTOWN [1895] Mr. James Macdonald The Farm Huntly N.B. [North Britain] 027 For 1" purposes only see Remark in Index 1895
OS1/1/7/45 CROFT OF BUSH Croft of Bush Mr. A. Robertson, Farmer, Mr. J. Boyd, blacksmith Mr. A. Roy Farmer, 027 A Crofters dwelling occupied by Mr. J. Boyd, blacksmith the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/45 BUSH Bush Mr. A. Robertson, Farmer, Mr. J. Boyd, blacksmith Mr. A. Roy Farmer, 027 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. A. Roy. the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/45 [Page] 45 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] David Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/46 LADYBOG Ladybog Mr. C. Booth, Farmer, Mr. W. Barclay Crofter Mr. A. Roy, Farmer, Bush 027 A large farm Steading, occupied by Mr. C. Booth the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/46 SCHOOL [Ladybog] School (private) Mr. C. Booth, Farmer, Mr. W. Barclay Crofter Mr. A. Roy, Farmer, Bush 027 A Mixed School taught by Miss Mearns on the estate of the trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/46 BACKHILL OF LADYBOG Backhill of Ladybog Mr. C. Booth, Farmer, Mr. W. Barclay Crofter Mr. A. Roy, Farmer, Bush 027 A Crofters dwelling occupied by Mr. W. Barclay, the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/46 [Page] 46 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/47 [Page] 47 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/48 DRY BURN Dry Burn Mr. W. Barclay. Backhill of Ladybog. Mr. W. Ewing, Farmer, Mr. Stephen, Farmer, 027 A Small burn rising a Short distance to the West of Backhill of Ladybog and flowing to the north. It enters the River Ythan near the farm of Glenmellon
OS1/1/7/48 BRAESTAIRIE Braesterrie Braestairie Mr. W. Barclay. Backhill of Ladybog. Mr. W. Ewing, Farmer, Mr. Stephen, Farmer, Parochial Register 027 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. W. Ewing, the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/48 OVERTOWN Overtown Mr. W. Barclay. Backhill of Ladybog. Mr. W. Ewing, Farmer, Mr. Stephen, Farmer, 027 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. Stephen the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/48 [Page] 48 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/49 OLDTOWN Oldtown Mr. William Reith Mr. Thomas Davidson Mr. G. Morrison 027 A small farm stead; on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. Tenant Robert Watt
OS1/1/7/49 AULDTOWN Mr. James Macdonald, The Farm, Huntly N.B [North Britain] 027 For 1" purposes only. see Remark in Index. 1895
OS1/1/7/49 LITTLEMILL Littlemill Mr. William Reith Mr. Thomas Davidson Mr. G. Morrison 027 A large farm steading on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. Tenant Mrs. Downey
OS1/1/7/49 MIDDLE HAUGHS Middle Haughs Mr. William Reith Mr. Thomas Davidson Mr. G. Morrison 027 A small farm stead on the property of Col. [Colonel] Leslie of Rothie Tenant G. Morrison.
OS1/1/7/49 HEATHERBRAE Heatherbrae Mr. William Reith Mr. Thomas Davidson Mr. G. Morrison 027 A small farm stead, on the property of Col. [Colonel] Leslie of Rothie Tenant Thomas Davidson
OS1/1/7/49 HEATHERYBRAE [1895] Mr James Macdonald, The Farm, Huntly N.B [North Britain] 027 See Remark in Index. 1895.
OS1/1/7/49 [Page] 49 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/50 CROFT OF BRUCKHILLS Croft of Bruckhills Mr. William Reith Mr. Thomas Davidson, Heatherbrae Mr. G. Morrison Lower Haugh 027 A large Croft & house on the property of Col. [Colonel] Leslie of Rothie Tenant Robert Ironside.
OS1/1/7/50 REDHILLS Redhills Mr. William Reith Mr. Thomas Davidson, Heatherbrae Mr. G. Morrison Lower Haugh 027 A district embracing five farm steads on the property of Col. [Colonel] Leslie of Rothie
OS1/1/7/50 [Page] 50 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Note relating to 'River Ythan'] - See p. [page] 26. [Entry crossed out] [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/51 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Mains of Hatton] Gray Stones Mr. Chapman, Mains of Hatton Mr. J. Duguid, Arnhead Mr. Wilson, Manorplace Hatton 028 A Small patch of uncultivated ground. Situate on the farm of Mains of Hatton; upon this patch of ground there is a number of large Gray Stones laying. Supposed to be the remains of a Druidical Circle; Tradition Says: about 80 years ago two of these Stones were removed to Manor place Hatton; and put up for gates posts but had to be brought back again in consequence of the great noise heard at night
OS1/1/7/51 [Page] 51 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell Civil Assistant
OS1/1/7/52 CHURCH [Kirktown of Auchterless] Church Parish Rev. [Reverend] A Gray Minister Mr. J Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland, Moat 028 Established Church A plain Stone building Containing 800 Sittings Built in the year 1780
OS1/1/7/52 MOAT [a farm] Moat Rev. [Reverend] A Gray Minister Mr. J Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland, Moat 028 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. Maitland the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/52 NEW MILL (Corn) Newmill Rev. [Reverend] A Gray Minister Mr. J Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland, Moat 028 A farm Steading also a Meal and Barley Mill occupied by Mr. J Hay; the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/52 [Page] 52 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/53 CHARLESFIELD Charlesfield Mr. C Stuart, Charlesfield, Mr. W. Chapman, Mains of Hatton, Mr. J Duguid, Arnhead 028 A Small farm Steading occupied by C. Stuart. the property of the late Garden William Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/53 MAINS OF HATTON Mains of Hatton Mr. C Stuart, Charlesfield, Mr. W. Chapman, Mains of Hatton, Mr. J Duguid, Arnhead 028 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. Chapman the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/53 SCOURIE BURN Scourie Burn Mr. C Stuart, Charlesfield, Mr. W. Chapman, Mains of Hatton, Mr. J Duguid, Arnhead 028 A Small burn rising about half a mile to the South of the Mains of Hatton and flows to the East: It joins the River Ythan near the farm of Templand
OS1/1/7/53 [Page] 53 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/54 SMALL BURN Small Burn Mr. W. Chapman Mains of Hatton Mr. J. Duguid, Arnhead Mr. Wilson, Manor Place Hatton 028 A Small burn rising 7 chains north of Manorplace Hatton and flowing in a northeast direction; It Joins the River Ythan near the Crofts of Smallburn.
OS1/1/7/54 BRIDGE OF SMALLBURN Bridge of Smallburn Mr. W. Chapman Mains of Hatton Mr. J. Duguid, Arnhead Mr. Wilson, Manor Place Hatton 028 A Stone bridge with one arch erected accross the public road that runs between Turriff and Badenscoth repaired by the parish
OS1/1/7/54 MANORPLACE Manorplace Mr. W. Chapman Mains of Hatton Mr. J. Duguid, Arnhead Mr. Wilson, Manor Place Hatton 028 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. A. Wilson and was once the Seat of the proprietors the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/54 [Page] 54 County of Aberdeen -- Auchterless Parish [Signed] D. Campbell C/A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/55 ARNHEAD Arnhead Mr. Wood, Arnhead Mr. Duguid Arnhead Mr. Chapman Mains of Hatton 028 Two farm Steadings occupiers Mr. Wood and Mr. Duguid the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/55 ST DONAN'S WELL Saint Donan's Well (site of) Mr. Wood, Arnhead Mr. Duguid Arnhead Mr. Chapman Mains of Hatton 028 A Well that was named after Saint Donan whose staff was long preserved in Auchterless, cured fever and jaundice; but was destroyed at the Reformation. There used to be a Fair held here the last about 80 years ago, it was then removed to the Kirktown were the last fair was held, was about the year 1850 since which time there as been none held on the estate of the Trustees of the late G W Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/55 [Page] 55 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/56 FEMALE SCHOOL [Kirktown of Auchterless] School Girls Rev. [Reverend] A. Gray, Minister Mr. J. Hay, Newmill Mr. Maitland, Moat 028 The average number of Scholars attending School is 80 Bequests Dick and Milne's also a Government grant belonging to the Established Church.
OS1/1/7/56 CROFT OF BALMUIR Croft of Balmuir Rev. [Reverend] A. Gray, Minister Mr. J. Hay, Newmill Mr. Maitland, Moat 028 A Crofters dwelling occupied by Mr. Cowie the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/56 SHARPERHILLOCK Sharperhillock Rev. [Reverend] A. Gray, Minister Mr. J. Hay, Newmill Mr. Maitland, Moat 028 A Cotters dwelling the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/56 [Page] 56 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/57 KIRKTOWN OF AUCHTERLESS Kirktown Rev. [Reverend] A Gray Minister Mr. J Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland Moat 028 A district name Comprising a Manse Parish Church two public Schools and a Post Office; also a Farm house and a number of Crofters the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/57 MOATHEAD Moathead Rev. [Reverend] A Gray Minister Mr. J Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland Moat 028 Slight artificial eminence Situate a Short distance to the South E. [East] of the farm of Moat; It is Said that this was formerly the Seat of the baronial Court where the criminals were tried and hence brought to the Gallowhill where they were executed and buried It is the property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/57 [Page] 57 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/58 MANSE [Kirktown of Auchterless] Manse (Established) Rev. [Reverend] A Gray. Minister Mr. J. Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland. Moat 028 A Comfortable dwelling built in the year 1866 occupied by the Rev. [Reverend] A. Gray
OS1/1/7/58 POST OFFICE [Kirktown of Auchterless] Post Office Rev. [Reverend] A Gray. Minister Mr. J. Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland. Moat 028 A receiving office in the Turriff district the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/58 SCHOOL [Kirktown of Auchterless] School Boys & Girls (Parish) Rev. [Reverend] A Gray. Minister Mr. J. Hay, Newmill Mr. W. Maitland. Moat 028 A Stone building belonging to the Established Church [Inserted note] How can this be? [Initialled] RP The Average number of Scholars attending School is 60 Bequests Dick and Milne's and also receives a Government grant
OS1/1/7/58 [Page] 58 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/59 SMALLBURN COTTAGE Smallburn Cottage Robert Thomson George Strachan William Tocher 028 A plain stone cottage on the Estate of Towie. occupied by Robert Thomson The property of the Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/59 HOWE OF AUCHTERLESS Howe of Auchterless Robert Thomson George Strachan William Tocher 028 A narrow cultivated strath, commencing near the Mill of Towie, and runing westward as far as the Mill of Badenscoth and extending a short distance on each side of the River Ythan
OS1/1/7/59 CHAPEL BRIDGE Chapel Bridge Andrew Wallace John Thomson William Tocher 028 A small stone bridge of one arch, over the river Ythan. The property of the district
OS1/1/7/59 [Page] 59 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/60 CHAPEL WELL Chapel Well Andrew Wallace John Thompson George Strachan 028 A fine spring Well supposed to have been dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Known in this district as the "Chapel Well" It was much frequented by the superstitious and where votive offerings were frequently deposited.
OS1/1/7/60 ST MARY'S CHAPEL (Remains of) Chapel remains of Andrew Wallace John Thompson George Strachan 028 The remains of a place worship. Supposed to have been dedicated to St. Mary. There is a small part of one the walls still standing there was also a burial ground; but no tombstones remain or is the exact site known. The portion of the wall that still remains is about four or five feet in height and about two feet six in width. appears to be part of one of the outside walls.
OS1/1/7/60 [Page] 60 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/61 HILLHEAD OF SEGGAT Hillhead of Seggat J. Kindness Hillhead of Seggat, Andrew Wallace John Thomson 028 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by J.Kindness The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/61 CHAPEL OF SEGGAT Chapel of Seggat J. Kindness Hillhead of Seggat, Andrew Wallace John Thomson 028 A large farm steading on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by Andrew Wallace. The property of Robert Gordons Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/61 CROFT OF CHAPEL OF SEGGAT Croft of Chapel of Seggat J. Kindness Hillhead of Seggat, Andrew Wallace John Thomson 028 A small house & Croft on the farm of Chapel of Seggat, occupied by William Tocher. The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/61 [Page] 61 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/62 SEGGAT Seggat John Thomson, Seggat Andrew Wallace, Chapel of Seggat. Alexander Gordon Gordonstown 028 A large farm steading, on the Estate of Towie. occupied by John Thomson. The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital. Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/62 GORDONSTOWN [farm] Gordonstown John Thomson, Seggat Andrew Wallace, Chapel of Seggat. Alexander Gordon Gordonstown 028 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by Alexander Gordon. The property of R. Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/62 BOGS OF SEGGAT Bogs of Seggat John Thomson, Seggat Andrew Wallace, Chapel of Seggat. Alexander Gordon Gordonstown 028 Two labourers dwelling houses on the farm of Seggat. The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/62 [Page] 62 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/63 SCHOOL [Inverythan] School (Boys & Girls) Mr. Jamieson Schoolmaster A MacDonald Farmer Midhill of Seggat James Kindness South Towie Turner 028 A small school and dwelling house for the master attached. built in 1869 by the Trustees and managers of Gordons Hospital Aberdeen. supported by £13.0.0 yearly from the hospital and the childrens pence.
OS1/1/7/63 [Page] 63 County of Aberdeen -- Ph. [Parish] of Auchterless [Signed] A.J. Dransfield S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/64 [Page] 64 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/65 SOUTH TOWIE TURNER South Towie Turner James Kindness Andrew Macdonald Alexander Ferguson 028 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by James Kindness The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/65 MIDHILL OF SEGGAT Midhill of Seggat James Kindness Andrew Macdonald Alexander Ferguson 028 A small farm s[t]eading on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by Andrew Macdonald. The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/65 CROFT OF SILLERTON Croft of Sillerton James Kindness Andrew Macdonald Alexander Ferguson 028 A crofter's dwelling on the farm of Sillerton. occupied by Alexander Ferguson. The property of Robert Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/65 [Page] 65 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/66 ARNYBURN Arnyburn Keith Watson William Winton James Kindness 028 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. occupied by Keith Watson The property of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/66 BACKHILL OF SEGGAT Backhill of Seggat Keith Watson William Winton James Kindness 028 A small farm steading on the Estate of Towie. occupied by William Winton The property of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/66 INVERYTHAN Inverythan Keith Watson William Winton James Kindness 028 A small district on extending a short distance on each side of the boundary comprising A smithy with office houses attached merchandise shop and line cotter houses The property of Gordon's Hospital Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/66 [Page] 66 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/67 GALLOWS HILL Gallows Hill Mr. John Wood Mr. William Reith Mr. Durno 028 A partially cultivated hill on the property of the late Garden Hatton Esq. There appears to be very little Know about this hill, except the name; but for a considerable extent (limited to the red doted line encircling the hill on Traces) - about it; and particularly on the southern side appears to have been occupied by ancient Military as several sites of camps still remain on the uncultivated portion of the base; there is also a great many hillocks from some of which human remains have been taken, and as many of those as are now visible are marked on the plans and also the "Camp" sites. From the various shapes of Arrow-heads occasionally found here it would appear that Military had been stationed here on more than one occasion, and that it was a place of many a fatal Scene. The camps were circular, and Urns have been found here.
OS1/1/7/67 [Page] 67 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/68 CROFT OF BACKHILL OF LENSHIE Croft of Backhill of Lenshie John Wood Tenant Mr. William Reith Mr. Durno. 028 A house & Croft on the lands of Lenshie in the hands of the Trustees of the late Garden Hatton Esq.
OS1/1/7/68 AULDYOCH Auldyoch John Wood Mr. William Reith Mr. Durno 028 A narrow district including Six farmsteadings, and three laborers' dwellings, - to which there is no "ground" attached - On the Estate of Hatton, - (in the hands of Trustees.)
OS1/1/7/68 HILL OF LENSHIE Hill of Lenshie John Wood Mr. William Reith Mr. Durno 028 A cultivated hill of medium elevation on the lands of Lenshie in the hands of the Trustees of the late Garden Hatton Esq.
OS1/1/7/68 [Page] 68 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/69 LITTLE CUSHNIE Little Cushnie Mr. J. Wood Little Cushnie Mr. Garden Cushnie Mr. Smith Bogside. 028 Three Crofters dwellings and a few Cotters; occupiers Mr. A. Mcleod. & J. Wood; the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/69 CUSHNIE Cushnie Mr. J. Wood Little Cushnie Mr. Garden Cushnie Mr. Smith Bogside. 028 A large farm Steading occupied by Mr. Garden the property of the late G.W. Duff. of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/69 BOGSIDE Bogside Mr. J. Wood Little Cushnie Mr. Garden Cushnie Mr. Smith Bogside. 028 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr. Smith; the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/69 [Page] 69 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell Civil Assistant
OS1/1/7/70 BRIDGE OF TEMPLAND Bridge of Templand (Trust) James Allan; Templand Mr. Garden, Cushnie Mr. Smith Bogside 028 A Stone bridge with one arch erected across the River Ythan the property of Mr. James Allan Esq. Templand, (Auchterless)
OS1/1/7/70 TEMPLAND Templand James Allan; Templand Mr. Garden, Cushnie Mr. Smith Bogside 028 A large farm Steading occupied by James Allan Esq. the propety of J. Allan Esq.
OS1/1/7/70 MAINS OF TEMPLAND Mains of Templand James Allan; Templand Mr. Garden, Cushnie Mr. Smith Bogside 028 A farm Steading occupied by Mr. Gallon. the property of James Allan Templand
OS1/1/7/70 [Page] 70 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless The entry for 'Wood of Templand' is crossed out. [Signed] D. Campbell Civil Assistant
OS1/1/7/71 FREE CHURCH [Templand] Church (Free) Major. Duff., Knockleith James Allan Esq. Templand Mr. Smith Bogside 028 A plain Stone building Containing 300 Sittings the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/71 [Page] 71 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless The entry for 'Bridge of Bankhead (County)'' is crossed out. [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/1/7/72 [Page] 72 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/73 BRIDGEND Bridgend Mr. Chapman, Bridgend Major Duff, Knockleith James Allan, Templand 028 A farm Steading occupied by Mr. Chapman the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/73 BRIDGE OF NEWMILL Bridge of Newmill (Trust) Mr. Chapman, Bridgend Major Duff, Knockleith James Allan, Templand 028 A Stone bridge with one arch; erected over the River ythan the property of the late G.W Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/73 KNOCKLEITH Knockleith Mr. Chapman, Bridgend Major Duff, Knockleith James Allan, Templand 028 A Commodious House with a Considerable deal of ornamental ground; and Commands a very fine view to the Surrounding Country; occupied by Major Duff, The property of the late G,W, Duff of Hatton and (over) [continued on page 74]
OS1/1/7/73 [Page] 73 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell Civil Asst. [Assistant]
OS1/1/7/74 KNOCKLEITH Knockleith Continued Major Duff, Knockleith, Mr. A. Kennedy, Bankhead Mr. Forsyth Braehead 028 [continued from page 73] and A large farm Steading occupied by Major Duff, the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/74 BANKHEAD Bankhead Major Duff, Knockleith, Mr. A. Kennedy, Bankhead Mr. Forsyth Braehead 028 A farm Steading occupied by Mr. A. Kennedy the property of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/74 BRAEHEAD POLICE STATION Braehead Police Station Major Duff, Knockleith, Mr. A. Kennedy, Bankhead Mr. Forsyth Braehead 028 Two Crofters dwelling also a police station occupiers Mr. Forsyth inspector of poor and Mr. Jeffery Policeman the property of James Allan Esq.
OS1/1/7/74 [Page] 74 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell Civil Asst. [Assistant]
OS1/1/7/75 BRAESIDE Braeside Mr. Paterson, Braeside, Mr. Chapman, Bridgend, James Allan Esq. Templand 028 A Crofters dwelling occupied by Mr. Paterson the property of Lieut. Conl. [Lieutenant Colonel] James Leslie of Rothie
OS1/1/7/75 [Page] 75 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] D. Campbell C.A. Civilian Assistant
OS1/1/7/75A [Page] 75A Blank Page
OS1/1/7/76 STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [nr Rappla Wood] Druids' Circle (Remains of) A Gordon Gordonstown William Stephen Woodside John Cowie Raplawburn James Forrest Schoolmaster William Leslie Wester Milltown 028 A pile of large Stones supposed to be the remains of a Druidical Circle. [Inserted note] - This would be applicable to a Cairn. The ground officer states that most of the Stones that formed the Circle have been removed for building purposes. Its on the Gordon's Hospital Estate Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/76 [Page] 76 County of Aberdeen -- Ph. [Parish] of Auchterless
OS1/1/7/77 CROFT OF WOODEND Croft of Woodend George Massie. Woodend William Crichton. Bogtamma William Stephen Woodside 028 A small Croft on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by George Massie. The property of Gordon's Hospitle, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/77 CROFT OF WOODSIDE Croft of Woodside George Massie. Woodend William Crichton. Bogtamma William Stephen Woodside 028 A small Croft on the Estate of Towie, occupied by William Stephen. The propery of Gordon's Hospitle, Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/77 RAPPLA WOOD Rappla Wood Estate Map by McWilliam 1846 William Leslie Ground officer Wester Milltown William Cruickshank Micklebogs George Massie. Woodend William Crichton. Bogtamma William Stephen Woodside 028 A large close fir Wood on the Estate of Towie. The property of Gordon's Hospitle, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/77 [Page] 77 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Note relating to 'Rappla Wood'] - "Written Raploch on the adjoining parish. this name was referred to the Examiner for reconsideration owing to the difference in orthography, and he quoted the above Authorities in support of the spelling adopted on this plan. [Initialled] R.P. It is quite right [Initialled] JMD [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/78 RAPPLABURN Raplaburn Rapplaburn Rapplaburn Mr. J. Cowie Tenant Mr. J. Johnston Mr. William Reith Rent Receipt Estate Map William Leslie Ground Officer 028 A small farm steading: the property of the commissioners of Gordon's Hospital, Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/78 UPPER DARLEY Upper Darley Mr. J. Cowie Tenant Mr. J. Johnston Mr. William Reith Rent Receipt 028 A large farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Alexander Bean. tenant,
OS1/1/7/78 NETHER DARLEY Nether Darley Mr. J. Cowie Tenant Mr. J. Johnston Mr. William Reith Rent Receipt 028 A large farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. James Johnston tenant
OS1/1/7/78 [Page] 78 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/79 RAPPLA BURN Rapla Burn Rappla Burn Rappla Burn Mr. A. Dunbar Blindmill Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Johnston Nether Darley Rent Receipt Valuation Roll &c. William Leslie Ground Officer Wester Millton Estate Map 028 A small Burn; rises in the lands of "Raplaburn" and unites with "Fore Burn" at the farm of "Blindmill".
OS1/1/7/79 [Page] 79 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Entry for 'Rapla Wood' is crossed out.] [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/80 [Page] 80 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/81 BOGTAMMA Bogtamma William Crichton, Bogtamma William Kirton, Upper Bogtamma Keith Watson, Arnyburn 028 A large farm steading on the Estate of Towie. Occupied by William Crichton. The property of Gordon's Hospital Aberdeen.
OS1/1/7/81 UPPER BOGTAMMA Upper Bogtamma William Crichton, Bogtamma William Kirton, Upper Bogtamma Keith Watson, Arnyburn 028 A large croft & house on the Estate of Towie. occupied by William Kirton. The property of Gordon's Hospital Aberdeen
OS1/1/7/81 [Page] 81 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] J. Bracken S.R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/82 BADENSCOTH Badenscoth Mr. J. Beattie Mr. William Reith Mr. G. Mutch Cottown Badenscoth 028 A gentleman's residence, with outbuildings and ornimental grounds in the occupation of Lieut. [Lieutenant] General Shaw, or large farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq.
OS1/1/7/82 BADENSCOTH INN Inn of Badenscoth Badenscoth Inn Mr. J. Beattie Mr. William Reith Mr. G. Mutch Cottown Badenscoth Valuation Roll 1860 (Published) 028 A drapery, grocery, and spirit establishment; but was formerly a Mail coach Stage the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. In the occupation of Ross Hunter
OS1/1/7/82 COTTAGE OF BADENSCOTH Cottage of Badenscoth Mr. J. Beattie Mr. William Reith Mr. G. Mutch Cottown Badenscoth 028 A small farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie.
OS1/1/7/82 [Page] 82 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/83 CROFT OF BADENSCOTH Croft of Badenscoth Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A small house and Croft: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie
OS1/1/7/83 MILL OF BADENSCOTH (Corn) Mill of Badenscoth Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A Meal Mill: Alexander Ironside. tenant the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie
OS1/1/7/83 [Page] 83 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [The entry for 'Belts of Badenscoth' is crossed out.] [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/84 POST OFFICE [Badenscoth] Post Office Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A Sub letter office in the Turriff District: on the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie
OS1/1/7/84 SCHOOL [Badenscoth] Badenscoth School General Assembly school Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A national school which consists of Male and female apartments; it also receives Government grants Dick's bequest Heritors subscriptions, and childrens' fees. Average attendance; boys 85, girls 65: on the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie
OS1/1/7/84 DAMIE Damie Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 Two laborers' Cottages the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie
OS1/1/7/84 [Page] 84 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/85 QUARRYPARK WOOD Quarrypark Wood Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A fir planting: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie.
OS1/1/7/85 HOWE OF BADENSCOTH Howe of Badenscoth Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A deep cultivated hollow: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie. Rothie.
OS1/1/7/85 [Page] 85 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/86 GORDONSTOWN HILL Gordonstown Hill Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. G. Mutch 028 A partially cultivated hill the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie.
OS1/1/7/86 NEWBIGGING Newbigging Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. G. Mutch 028 A portion of "Gordonstown": the western end of it containing about the half of the Village.
OS1/1/7/86 COTTOWN OF BADENSCOTH Cottown of Badenscoth Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. G. Mutch 028 A small farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Rothie G Mutch occupier
OS1/1/7/86 [Page] 86 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/87 SKATEBRAE Skatebrae Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A large farm steading: the property of Garden Hatton Esq. A. Sandieson Tenant
OS1/1/7/87 NEWSEAT Newseat Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A large farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] Leslie Esq. Rothie J. Gilchrist Tenant
OS1/1/7/87 GORDONSTOWN [village] Gordonstown Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A scattered Village consisting of about fifty dwelling houses occupied mostly by small farmers, and tradesmen of various callings: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq.
OS1/1/7/87 [Page] 87 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/88 BANGALORE Bangalore Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A laborer's residence; but formerly a farmsteading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq.
OS1/1/7/88 BLINDMILLS Blindmills Blinmills Blindmills Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch Valuation Roll 1869 Valuation Roll 1860 028 A farm steading: the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq. Jean Dunbar occupier
OS1/1/7/88 [Page] 88 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [The entry for 'Bogs of Gordonstown' is crossed out]. [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/89 FORE BURN Fore Burn Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch 028 A small Burn that rises at Upper "Darley" and joins with Rapla Burn at the Farm of Blinmills.
OS1/1/7/89 STONE CIRCLE (Site of) (Human Remains found Here) Druids' Circle (Site of) Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch William Leslie Wester Milltown 028 An uncultivated piece of ground: there were some pieces of human bones, extracted from it some time ago; by the proprietor.
OS1/1/7/89 BLINDMILLS HILL Blinmills Hill Blindmills Hill Mr. J. Beattie Mr. W. Reith Mr. G. Mutch Valuation Roll 1860 (published) 028 A low lying Hill; on the farm of Blinmills the property of Col. [Colonel] F. Leslie Esq.
OS1/1/7/89 [Page] 89 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Note relating to Druids' Circle (Site of)] - will be completed & written [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/90 [Page] 90 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/91 TUMULI Tumuli A Dunbar J. Johnston J. Beattie 028 Two small Hillocks in which some of the Ancients are supposed to have been buried
OS1/1/7/91 TUMULI (Site of) Humans Remains found here Tumuli (Site of) A Dunbar J. Johnston J. Beattie 028 The site of two small Hillocks in which ashes and bones were found, supposed to be human
OS1/1/7/91 [Page] 91 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/92 MEIKLEBOGS Meiklebogs Val [Valuation] Roll 1869 & 70 Mr. Cruickshank. Tenant Mr. Hall Croft of Meiklebogs 028 A good farm steading and 6 crofts with dwelling houses and outbuildings on the Estate of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie Rothie forms the east end of Gordonstown Village.
OS1/1/7/92 [Page] 92 Ph [Parish of Auchterless] -- County of Aberdeen [The entry for 'Croft of Meiklebogs' is crossed out.] [Signed] A.J. Dransfield S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineer]
OS1/1/7/93 [Page] 93 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/94 BRUCKHILLS Bruckhills Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Gordonstown Mr. Robert Niven Tenant 028 A large farm Stead: the property of the Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Jonathon Forbes Leslie. [Inserted note] - Put Forbes Leslie in Val. [Valuation] Roll.
OS1/1/7/94 DRUMSINNIE Drumsinnie Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Gordonstown Mr. Robert Niven 028 A hill now planted with fir Wood the property of Col. [Colonel] Forbes Leslie Esq. the name applies to the wood and hill
OS1/1/7/94 NORTHWELLS Northwells Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Gordonstown Mr. Robert Niven 028 A small farm Stead; the property of Col. [Colonel] Forbes Leslie, Esq. Adam Shaw, Tenant
OS1/1/7/94 [Page] 94 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/95 BAIKIEHILL Baikiehill Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Mr. James Chapman Bakiehill Valuation Roll 1869 & 70 028 A small district comprising four farmsteads; the property of J.P. Watson Esq. Blackford
OS1/1/7/95 WOODS OF BLACKFORD Woods of Blackford Mr. William Reith Mr. James Beattie Mr. James Chapman Bakiehill 028 Two fir Woods on the the lands of Blackford the property of J.P. Watson Esq.
OS1/1/7/95 [Page] 95 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Note relating to 'Woods of Blackford'] - Woods on Trace [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/96 MIDDLEHILL Middlehill Valuation Roll 1869 & 70 James Anderson - Tenant George Gillan Croft of Middlehill 028 A farm steading with dwelling house and outbuildings. on the estate of Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie. Rothie
OS1/1/7/96 CROFT OF MIDDLEHILL Croft of Middlehill Valuation Roll 1869 & 70 James Anderson - Tenant George Gillan Croft of Middlehill 028 A small croft with dwellinghouse and outbuildings belonging to Lieut. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] Leslie. Rothie
OS1/1/7/96 [Page] 96 Ph [Parish of Auchterless] -- County of Aberdeen [Signed] A.J. Dransfield S.R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/97 [Page] 97 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/98 FISHERFORD INN Fisherford Inn Gordon Robb Fisherford John Roy Fisherford John Durno Fisherford 035 A small farm steading and public house, on the Estate of Auchterless, occupied by Gordon Robb. The property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton
OS1/1/7/98 BRIDGE OF FISHERFORD Bridge of Fisherford (Trust) Gordon Robb Fisherford John Roy Fisherford John Durno Fisherford 035 A small stone bridge, of one arch over the Black Burn, on the public Road from Auchterless to Culsalmond.
OS1/1/7/98 [Page] 98 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken S.R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/99 [Page] 99 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/100 AUCHINHOVE Auchinhove Robert Porter, Auchinhove Samuel Stephen, Overtown George Robb, Fisherford 035 A small farm Steading on the Estate of Auchterless, occupied by Robert Porter. The property of the Trustees of the late G.W Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/100 BLACK BURN Black Burn Robert Porter, Auchinhove Samuel Stephen, Overtown George Robb, Fisherford 035 A large Stream, the boundary between the Parishes of Auchterless and Cuslsalmond. Rising near the farm of Ladybog, and flow eastward into the River Ythan.
OS1/1/7/100 [Page] 100 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/101 [Page] 101 Blank Page
OS1/1/7/102 FISHERFORD Fisherford John Durno, Fisherford Gordon Robb, Fisherford John Roy, Fisherford 034 A large farm steading on the Estate of Auchterless, occupied by John Durno. The property of The Trustees of the late G.W Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/102 MOSS OF FISHERFORD Moss of Fisherford John Durno, Fisherford Gordon Robb, Fisherford John Roy, Fisherford 035 The remains of a extensive peat moss, situated on the farm of Fisherford. The property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/102 CROFTS OF FISHERFORD Crofts of Fisherford John Durno, Fisherford Gordon Robb, Fisherford John Roy, Fisherford 035 Four small crofts on the farm of Fisherford, occupied by J. Roy. J Chalmers. J. Harper and Gordon Gordon. The property of the Trustees of the late G.W. Duff of Hatton.
OS1/1/7/102 [Page] 102 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/103 MOSS OF REDHILLS Moss of Redhill John Durno, Fisherford John Strachan, Overhill James Macintosh Greenness 035 A large peat Moss on the Estate of Badenscoth. The property of Lieut. [Lieutenant] Colonal J.F. Leslie of Rothie
OS1/1/7/103 GREENNESS Greenness John Durno, Fisherford John Strachan, Overhill James Macintosh Greenness 035 A small farm steading on the Estate of Badenscoth occupied by James McIntosh The property Lieut. [Lieutenant] Colonal J.F. Leslie of Rothie
OS1/1/7/103 OVERHILL Overhill John Durno, Fisherford John Strachan, Overhill James Macintosh Greenness 035 A large farm steading on the Estate of Blackford occupied by John Strachan, The property of John Paton Watson of Blackford.
OS1/1/7/103 [Page] 103 County of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] John Bracken Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/104 WESTFIELD Westfield Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. Charles Sangster 036 A small farm steading the property of J.P. Watson Esq.
OS1/1/7/104 BLACKFORD Blackford Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. Charles Sangster 036 The Residence of J.P. Watson Esq. the grounds in connection with the house are beautifully diversified with wood and water and well kept to the Rule of modern cultivation. ( J.P. Watson Esq. is the proprietor.)
OS1/1/7/104 MARYFIELD Maryfield Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. Charles Sangster 036 A large farm steading the property of J.P. Watson Esq. Mr. Ewen Tenant
OS1/1/7/104 [Page] 104 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/105 MAINS OF BLACKFORD Mains of Blackford Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. Charles Sangster Smithy of Blackford 036 A Small farm Steading the property of J.P. Watson Esq. Mr Reid occupier
OS1/1/7/105 DEN BURN Den Burn Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. Charles Sangster Smithy of Blackford 036 A small stream, from, or rising near a farmsteading of the same name, and running southward unites with "Black Burn" about a mile below "Mill of Blackford"
OS1/1/7/105 [Page] 105 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [The entry for 'Black Burn' is crossed out.] - see p. [page] 100. [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/106 WOOD OF MIDDLETON Wood of Middleton Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. C. Sangster 036 A fir Plantation; the property of J.P. Watson Esq. Blackford.
OS1/1/7/106 [Page] 106 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/1/7/107 MILL OF BLACKFORD (Corn) Mill of Blackford Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. C. Sangster 036 A Meal Mill, and Croft attached; the property of J.P. Watson Esq. Blackford Mr. Rettie tenant
OS1/1/7/107 MIDDLETON Middleton Mr. W. Reith Mr. J. Beattie Mr. C. Sangster 036 A large farm steading, the property of J.P. Watson Esq. Alexander Cruckshank occupier
OS1/1/7/107 [Page] 107 Co. [County] of Aberdeen -- Parish of Auchterless [Entry for 'Smithy of Blackford' is crossed out.] [Signed] Robert Kane Sapr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] [Signed] F.W. Nixon Lieut. R.E. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] 7/71 Feby [7 February 1871]
OS1/1/7/108 7 OS1/I/7/ 108 NAME BOOK OF Auchterless Parish in the County of Aberdeen (Western Division) [Stamped] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. STORE SOUTHAMPTON 16 MAR. 91 [1891]
OS1/1/7/109 [Page 109] AUCHTERLESS PARISH -- INDEX Name of Objects -- Pages An Urn Containing Human Remains found here -- 37 Arnhead -- 55 Arnyburn -- 66 Auchinhove -- 100 Auchterless -- 1 Auldyoch -- 68 Backhill -- 3 Backhill of Ladybog -- 46 Backhill of Lenshie -- 31 Backhill of Seggat -- 66 Backhill of Thomastown -- 18 Backhill of Uppermill -- 11 Badenscoth -- 82 Badenscoth Inn -- 82 Baikiehill -- 95 Bangalore -- 88 Bankhead -- 74 Bilbo -- 39 Black Burn -- 100 Blackford -- 104 Blindmills -- 88 Blindmills Hill -- 89 Braehead -- 74 Braeside -- 75 Braestairie -- 48 Bridgend -- 73 Bridge of Fisherford -- 98 Bridge of Kingsford -- 14 Bridge of Newmill -- 73 Bridge of Smallburn -- 54 Bridge of Templand -- 70 Brownhill -- 15 Bruckhills -- 94 Bogside -- 69 Bogs of Seggat -- 62 Bogtamma -- 81 Burn of Cliftbog -- 11 Burn of Howemill -- 9 Burn of Kingsford -- 14 Burn of Lenshie -- 34 Burn of Uppermill -- 12 Bush -- 45 Camp (site of) -- 35 Chapel Bridge -- 59 Chapel of Seggat -- 61 Chapel Well -- 60 Charlesfield -- 53 Church -- 52 Corrydown -- 15 Cots of Thernie -- 23 Cottage of Badenscoth -- 82 Cottown of Badenscoth -- 86 Cowley -- 44 Croft of Backhill of Lenshie -- 68 Croft of Badenscoth -- 83 Croft of Balmuir -- 56 Croft of Bruckhills -- 50 Croft of Bush -- 45 Croft of Carlincraig -- 3 Croft of Chapel of Seggat -- 61 Croft of Corrydown -- 15 Croft of Logie Newton -- 38 Crofts of Mains of Hatton -- 17 Croft of Middlehill -- 96 Croft of Nether Ordley -- 22 Croft of Pitglassie -- 9 Croft of Sillerton -- 65 Croft of Woodend -- 77 Croft of Woodside -- 77 Crofts of Fisherford -- 102 Crofts of Inverthernie - 22 Crofts of Oldwood -- 43 Crofts of Upperthird -- 40 Cumine's Trench -- 30 Cushnie -- 69 Damie -- 84 Den Burn -- 17 Den Burn -- 105 Drumsinnie -- 94 Dry Burn -- 48 Dykeside -- 24 Female School -- 56 Fisherford -- 102 Fisherford Inn -- 98 Floors -- 3 Fore Burn -- 89 Fosse (Remains of) -- 35 Free Church -- 74
OS1/1/7/109A [Page] 109A Index -- Continued Names of Objects -- Pages Stone Circles (Remains of) -- 37 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 41 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 42 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 51 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 76 Stone Circle (Site of) -- 89 Stone Circle (Remains of) -- 20 Templand -- 70 Thomastown -- 21 Towie Bridge -- 26 Tumuli (Remains of) -- 27 Tumuli (Remains of) -- 28 Tumuli -- 91 Tumuli (site of) -- 91 Tumulus (Remains of) -- 27 Upper Bogtamma -- 81 Upper Darley -- 78 Uppermill -- 12 Upper Ordley -- 21 Upper Pitglassie -- 17 Upper Thornybank -- 32 Upperthird -- 40 Wardhead -- 32 Wester Milltown -- 24 Westfield -- 104 West Haughs -- 43 Woodcroft -- 16 Wood of Arnhead -- 20 Woods of Blackford -- 95 Wood of Middleton -- 106 Wood of Pitglassie -- 16 Wood of Thomastown -- 18 Wood of Uppermill -- 11 Woodtown -- 40 Heatherybrae -- 49 (Altered by authority of Mr. James Macdonald, The Farm, Huntly. N.B. [North Britain]. To be used for 1" purposes only. further investigation to be made during revision of the larger scales. By order of the D.G. [Director General] 4.2.95) [4 February 1895] Logie Auldtown -- 45 (Same remark as above) Auldtown -- 49 (Remark same as Heatherybrae) Thorneybank -- 31 (Remark as below) North Millton