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I have recommended to the District Committees: 1st-
That influenza be dealt with in future like other infectious
diseases. It spreads by infection. Precaution should be
taken to prevent it from spreading. Persons suffering from

[Note in margin] --- RMN

influenza should not attend schools, churches,
or public meetings. They should keep to their houses for
some time after recovering from this disease. This is not only
desirable for their own safety, as by exposure they are liable
to suffer from inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis, and other
ailments, but it is also necessary for the protection of the
public. 2nd- That precautions should also be taken in cases
of consumption, as persons in continuous contact with a

[Note in margin] --- RMN

patient suffering from this disease are liable to become affect-
ed by it. 3rd- That a uniform method be adopted for the
guidance of Sanitary Officials, with regard to the action to
be taken by them to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
I beg to suggest that the Council frame Bye-laws under
Section 57, Local Government Act, defining more clearly the
duties of Local Sanitary Officials for adoption by the District
Committees. 4th- That Hospital provision should be made
in the Districts for the insolation and treatment of cases of
infectious disease. It will be seen from the appended Tables
of Sickness, that infectious diseases were prevalent in every
District in the County during the past year. I recommended
that the Poorhouses in Tobermory, Lochgilphead, and Islay
be acquired by the respective District Committees, and con-
verted into isolation hospitals; that small corrugated iron
buildings be erected at Bunessan, Coll, and Tiree; that pro-
vision be made at Oban and Ballachullish for Lorn; at Tarbert
for part of Mid-Argyll and Kintyre; at Campbeltown for the South
end of Kintyre; and at Dunoon for the adjacent part of the
District of Cowal. Without hospital provision, ambulances
for the conveyance of patients, and nurses to attend on them,
it will be impossible to prevent infectious diseases from
spreading. 5th- I also suggested to the District Commit-
tees that the provisions of the Public Health Act, and the
Housing of the Working Classes Act, should be more

[Note in margin] --- RMN

thoroughly enforced. Table p.3 gives the number of
houses specially reported, or certified by me to the District
Committees as injurious to health. The majority of these
were old, thatched houses, dilapidated and out of repair, with
leaky roofs, unplastered damp walls, damp mud floors, and
in want of proper drainage and ventilation. In many cases
cattle and fowls were kept in the dwelling-houses; in a few
cases pigs. I have much pleasure in stating that the District
Committee of Kintyre took decided action in regard to this

II. During the past year, I made 263 ordinary or special
visits to places or parishes, in order to make enquiry into the

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conditions affecting health. I travelled over 5,484 miles in
the discharge of my duty. I wrote, including my annual
reports, 327 pages of foolscap, and 98 pages of quarto. I
wrote 324 letters, and addressed and circulated 858 separate
official communications. In addition to this, I collected and
tabulated the statistics given in the appended Tables. I
visited the various districts systematically, and made special
enquiries as circumstances demanded, and the time at my
disposal allowed. I reported to the District Committees at
various times on such questions as the prevalence of infectious
diseases, and the measures required to prevent the spread of
infection; defective water supply; condition of bakehouses;
prevalence of nuisances injurious to health; condition of
dairies; insanitary candition of many of the houses of the
labouring classes, and paupers. A detailed statement of my
enquiries and special reports is given in my annual reports to
the District Committees, sent herewith.
I reported to the County Council in May last, in regard to
the sanitary condition of the whole County, and the measures
which in my opinion should be adopted for its improvement
and I made certain recommendations for the approval of
the Council. These recommendations have been brought
under the notice of the District Committees.
I beg to state that in accordance with these suggestions,
(1) A Public Analyst has been appointed for the County.
(2) Local assistants have now been provided in every parish
in the County, with the exception of Kilmodan in the District
of Cowal, and Kilmallie in the District of Ardnamurchan. I
have brought this matter under the notice of these District
Committees. From the liability of infectious diseases being
introduced into all parts of the County, it is necessary that
local Medical Officers be appointed to take immediate action
for the isolation of such diseases, and otherwise render some
assistance to me in the discharge of my duties. (3) The In-
fectious Diseases Notification Act has been adopted by every
District Committee with the exception of Ardnamurchan. I
also brought this matter under the notice of that Committee.
(4) Disinfectants have been supplied free of cost by the Mull,
Lorn, and Cowal District Committees. (5) Leaflets have
been printed by all the Committees, giving precautions that
should be taken by householders and Sanitary Inspectors for
preventing the spread of infectious diseases, and giving de-
tailed directions for isolation and disinfection.
So far as is known to me, no decided action has been
taken by any District Committee for providing suitable hos-
pital accommodation for the isolation of infectious diseases.
I beg to append a copy of the suggestions referred to, with
a view that the Council may again consider them. I would
draw special attention to the necessity for adopting sugges-

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[Note in margin] Alterations signed off by RMN (Roger McNeill)

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