
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
John M'Clachlane, for Janet Livingstone's life-rent, and for Mylnetoune and Mylne of Cessintullie, one hundreth fourtie punds, £140.0.0
Nicol Mushet, for his pendickle of Boighall, twentie six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, wadsett by William Smyth, £26.13.4
Margaret Grahame, for her conjunct fie lands of Mordiestoune, twentie fyve punds, £25.0.0
Nicol Mushet, (now David his son,) for Boighall and Monestoune, one hundreth fourscore fyve punds, £185.0.0
Ninian Caddell, for his part of Mordiestoune, fyfetie punds, £50.0.0
William Graham of Boqwhapple, for his part of Brae of Cessintullie, fyfetie two punds, ten shilling, £52.10.0
William Smyth, for two parts of Ballandornoch, fyfetie two punds, ten shilling. £52.10.0
Lord Drummond, for Easter Coldoch and Row, four hundreth fyfetie punds, £450.0.0
David Mushet, (or James Moir,) for Clochfield, two hundreth twentie fyve punds, £225.0.0
John Drummond and his mother, for Denstoune, fourscore fourteene punds, £94.0.0
John Campbell, for Easter Torrie, fourscore ten punds, £90.0.0
Archibald Buchanan, (now James Grahame,) for Wester Torrie, one hundreth threttie three punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £133.6.8
Alexander Dow, for his pendickle in Doune, eighteene punds, £18.0.0
David Mushet of Collichat, for the hedds, two hundreth threescore six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £266.13.4
The heirs of George Hoome, for the Teynds of Lundies, fourscore fyve punds, six shilling. £85.6.0
Lord Cardross, for his Teynds in this parish, four hundreth punds, £400.0.0
John Cornewall of Bonhard, for his Few dewties of Callichate and Callantowie, ten punds, qreof Callichate one half, and Annat the other, £10.0.0
James Ker of Auchlachie, for his Teynds of the Earle of Murray's lands and Cobletoune, fourtie nyne punds, all the Earle of Murray's, £49.0.0
Summa ten thousand two hundreth fyfetie [two???] punds, nyneteene shillings, four pennies, £10252.19.4
Dunblain Parish
Earle of Perth, for Cambusbyne, Kinbuicke litle and meikle, with the Mylne and Glassingall, one thousand threescore six punds, thirteene shllling, four pennies, £1066.13.4
Laird of Keir, for Coiges, Glenyback, and Over Keir, six hundreth threescore six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies. £666.13.4
Laird of Keir, for the Teynd dewties of Balhadies, threescore punds, £60.0.0
Earle of Airth, for the Baronie of Killbryde and Auchinloich, seven hundreth threttie three punds, six shilling, eight pennies. £733.6.8
Laird of Cromlix, for his lands in this parish, one thousand seven hundreth punds, £1700.0.0
Laird of Cromlix, for the rent of the Bishopric, two hundreth twentie punds. £220.0.0
Lady Cromlix, for her conjunct fie lands, eight hundreth fourscore nyne punds. £889.0.0
Laird of Urquhill, for Rottearns, Easter, Wester, and Midle, and Mylne, fyve hundreth and eight punds, £508.0.0
Lady Kippendavie, for Auchinlay, Shaura, Woodlands, Lenrick, Kippendavie, with the Mylne, four hundreth twentie fyve punds, £425.0.0
Mr James Persone, for Kippenross, Kippenrait, and Mylne, fyve hundreth threescore fyfeteene punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £575.6.8
Henrie Sinclair, for Glassingall and Drumdulles, three hundreth threttie punds, £330.0.0
John Drummond, for Corskaple, one hundreth fyftie six punds, £156.0.0
Walter Chisholme, for his wadsett and ackres in Dunblain, one hundreth fourtie eight punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £148.6.8
John Keir of Auchinlochie, for Auchinlochie, fyve hundreth punds, £500.0.0
KILMADOCK, (Continued.)
Robert Banks, Craighead, £160.0.0
Rev. [Reverend] Dr [Doctor]George Craig Buchanan, M'Keanstone, £130.0.0
John Finlayson, Greenhill, Annat Feu, £26.4.0
John M'Queen, John Rob, Mrs Sprot, Thomas Christie, and Duncan M'Lachlan's Heirs, M'Creston, £120.0.0
Kilbryde, Steps, £10.0.0
David Monro Binning, Argaty, £342.6.8
Keir, Row and others, £211.13.4
Whitehills and others, £150.0.0
John James Edmestone, Newton and others, £315.13.4
John Stirling, Kinbuck, £859.13.4
Kippendavie, £425.0.0
Duchburn, £25.0.0
Kirk Session lands, £6.10.0
Part of Balhaddies, £23.17.9
Andrew Cairns' part of Balhaddies, £5.19.4
Kippenross, £447.16.6
Corn Mill of Kippenross, Multures, Knaveship and Sequels, Caldronlinns, part Kippenrait, Newton of Auchlochie, and Auchlochie, £412.5.5
Part Auchlochie, £14.18.1
James Bryce's lands, £6.0.0
Andrew Cairns' lands, £3.6.8
Part of Duthieston, £30.0.0
Bowton, £60.0.0
Henry Monteath's lands, £44.13.4
Henry Monteath's part of Balhaddies, £11.18.9
Robert Crawford's part of Balhaddies, £17.18.2
William Meiklejohn's part of Balhaddies, £11.18.9
Duthieston, £82.0.0
John Gallosh, Colin Lennox's lands, £5.0.0
Alexander Smith, Glassingall, £210.13.4
Earl of Kinnoul, Cromlix, £1445.3.4

Transcriber's notes

Because this image is split into two formats, the left hand page from the 1649 valuation and the right hand page from the 1835 valuation, guidance was sought from the project management on how this should be transcribed.
The guidance received was


on the first line.
Then transcribe a row for each value. Ignore line wrapping, so continue wrapped lines at the end of the 1st line where possible.
Transcribe amounts in the standard £1.2.3 format and NOT 0001 02 03 as written.
Where there isn't too much text there should be one line for each valuation.


Continue transcribing after the completion of the left hand page

on the first line.
Then transcribe a row for each value.
Ignore line wrapping, so continue wrapped lines at the end of the 1st line where possible.
Ignore curly brackets and join the lines together for each total.
Transcribe amounts in the standard £1.2.3 format.
Do not repeat the proprietor name(s) if they have several properties one after the other. Only the first property should have the proprietor name.
Where there isn't too much text there should be one line for each valuation.

[There are various scribbles and calculations that have been written on the image but which have nothing to do with the original text and which would be impossible to transcribe in any meaningful format. These have been ignored in the transcribing exercise]

[words say ten thousand two hundred fyftie punds but figures are 10252]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.