
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
BLAIR PARISH, i.e. [id est] BLAIRGOWRIE, (Continued.)
Mr Thomas Lundie, for his lands in this parish, fourscore three punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £83.6.8
Euphane Blair, fyftie fyve punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £55.13.4
Jean Blair, twentie seven punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £27.13.4
Patrick Falconer, for his wyfes conjunct fie lands of Ardblair, two hundreth fourtie one punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £241.13.4
My Lord Coupar, for his Few dewties of Ledcassie, eight punds, £8.0.0
Andrew Gray of Drumellies, for his Few dewties of Mawes, fyftie punds, £50.0.0
My Lord Balvaird, for his Few dewties of Blair, two hundreth punds, £200.0.0
Summa fyve thousand fyve hundreth fourtie nyne punds, ten shillings, £5549.10.0
Alight Parish.
Earle of Airlie, for his haill lands in this parish, one thousand four hundreth threescore eleven punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £1471.6.8
John Ogilvie, for his wadsett in Balqwhine, fourscore punds, £80.0.0
Patrick Ratteray, for his wadsett of Whiteside, fourtie eight punds, £48.0.0
Donald Crochatt, for his wadsett of Morantie, fyfetie punds, £50.0.0
Alexander Ramsay of Reidlackie, Bastardbank and aikers in Alight, one hundreth fourtie fyve punds, £145.0.0
James Ogilvie of Muirtone, for his part of Reidlackie and Bastardbank, one hundreth and seven punds, £107.0.0
William Souttar, for Mylnehaugh with the Mylne yreof, one hundreth threttie three punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £133.6.8
Thomas Ramsaay, for his lands, fourscore fyve punds, £85.0.0
Alexander Ramsay, for Caldowine, fourtie eight punds, £48.0.0
James Ogilvie, for Schaungie, two hundreth fourscore punds, £280.0.0
Alexander Creightone, for his Wadsett of Bugsyde and Stielwalles, one hundreth threescore punds, £160.0.0
George Forreste, for his aikers in Alight, seven punds, £7.0.0
John Sandiman yre, three punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £3.6.8
Margaret Sanders yre, three punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £3.6.8
George Cousland yre, three punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £3.6.8
John Findlay yre, ten punds, £10.0.0
Donald Cargill, ten punds, £10.0.0
Katherine Ratturay yre, six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £6.13.4
Patrick Ratteray, six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £6.13.4
John Niving, fourteene punds, £14.0.0
James Souttar yre, twentie fyve punds, £25.0.0
Alexander Crockatt, thirteene punds, six shilling, eight pennies, £13.6.8
Alexander Haddone, for his aikers and the Nether Muir, threttie two punds, £32.0.0
Alexander Campbell of Keithick, for Tullimurdoch, two hundreth punds, £200.0.0
David Ratteray of Tullichurrane, for Wester Sheriflftone, threescore six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £66.13.4
Niel Phiatores heirs, for their lands, threttie two punds, £32.0.0
John Alexander yre, eighteene punds, £18.0.0
David Ratteray, for Rannagullon and Cork, fourscore punds, £80.0.0
Sylvester Ratteray of Persie, for Kingseat, twentie six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies, £26.0.0
Gilbert Ramsay of Bamfe, for Bamfe, Newton, Little Bamfe, and Ochteralight, with the pendickies, one thousand and fyftie punds, £1050.0.0
Alexander Ramsay, for Jordanstone, fyve hundreth and fyve punds, £505.0.0
John Smythe, Balharry, £426.6.8
Easter half of Wester Leitfie, £161.12.8
Feu, £45.6.11
James Haldane's acres, £30.3.4
Milnhorn etc. £150.6.8
Murdoch's lands, £49.14.0
John Kerr's lands and Freelands, £18.8.0
Easter Leitfie, Miln thereof, and Pendicle of Pickletullum, £484.12.9
Feu, £61.5.6
West Forrest, £120.0.0
Andrew Scott's Room in Bermany, £63.6.6
Feu £23.16.7
William Haldane's Room in Bermany, £41.14.4
Feu, £45.8.9
Robert Cramond, One half Wester Leitfie, £193.7.3
Feu, £13.12.4
Balharry, Thomas Low's Room in Bermany, £57.17.6
Feu, £29.5.7
Boatlands of Bermany, £34.1.1
Feu, £3.18.9
James Whitson, Room in Bermany, £52.11.3
Feu, £34.11.10
James Crichton, Room In Bermany, £63.6.6
Feu, £23.16.7
Earl of Airley, Shangie, £244.13.4
Bishop's Rent, £5.10.0
Brucetown, £87.0.0
Pitcrockney, £44.6.8
Cadem, £40.17.6
Barony of Alyth, with Bishop's Rents, £1511.13.4
Sir James Ramsay, Bamff, with Bishop's Rents, £516.0.0
Part of Balgowan's Lands, £405.1.5
Part of Balgowan's Lands, £99.4.5
Whiteside, £49.0.0
Earl of Airley, Balquhim, £81.16.8
Stewart Duncan, James Mustard's Lands, £13.13.4
Thomas Adamson, Writer, Dundee, John Adamson's Lands, £40.17.6
Thomas Dean, John Smith's Lands, £10.4.8
David Ogilvie, Margaret Matheson's Lands, £21.3.4
Earl of Airley, Morentea, £53.15.10
George Anderson, Lands in Alyth, £14.3.4

Transcriber's notes

Because this image is split into two formats,
the left hand page from the 1649 valuation and
the right hand page from the 1835 valuation,
guidance was sought from the project management on how this should be transcribed.

The guidance received was


on the first line.
Then transcribe a row for each value. Ignore line wrapping, so continue wrapped lines at the end of the 1st line where possible.
Transcribe amounts in the standard £1.2.3 format and NOT 0001 02 03 as written.
Where there isn't too much text there should be one line for each valuation.


Continue transcribing after the completion of the left hand page

on the first line.
Then transcribe a row for each value.
Ignore line wrapping, so continue wrapped lines at the end of the 1st line where possible.
Ignore curly brackets and join the lines together for each total.
Transcribe amounts in the standard £1.2.3 format.
Do not repeat the proprietor name(s) if they have several properties one after the other. Only the first property should have the proprietor name.
Where there isn't too much text there should be one line for each valuation.

[There are various scribbles and calculations that have been written on the image but which have nothing to do with the original text and which would be impossible to transcribe in any meaningful format. These have been ignored in the transcribing exercise]

On the left hand page "yre" probably means "aikers in Alight [Alyth]]" but, just in case, hasn't been transcribed.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.