
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
PARISHES OF LANGHOLM, STAPLEGORDONE AND WAUCHOPE. M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
The Duke of Buccleugh's intrest in this parish, with feu dutys, milne of Eskdale, Custome, and fishing 3040.0.0
The Teinds of this parish, belonging to the Bishop of Galloway, more than pays a minister yearly 900.0.0
The Ten merkland of Erkingholme, belonging to several Heritors 700.0.0
The seven merk halfe merkland of Broomholme 270.0.0
The Ten merkland of Craig, pertaining to Thomas and William Armstrong 700.0.0
The Fyve merkland of Dowglen 225.0.0
The haill lands in Wauchope, pertaining to the Duke of Buccleugh extend in cumulo to 3486.0.0
SUMA 9321.0.0
Nyne thousand three hundreth Twentie ane merks.
PARISH OF LANGHOLM M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies] M. [Merks] s. [shillings] d. [pennies]
Duke of BUCCLEUCH and QUEENSBERRY His Grace's cumulo in the old parish of Wauchope being the whole lands therein 3486.0.0
His Graces interest in the old parish of Staple Gordon, with the Feu duties, Mills of Eskdale, customs and fishings 3040.0.0
Teinds of Staple Gordon that belonged to the Bishop of Galloway, more than pays the Minister 900.0.0
Three-merkland of Arkenholm 210.0.0
One-merkland of Arkenholm 70.0.0
Burrow Roods of Staple Gordon 10.0.0
[total] 7716.0.0
GEORGE MAXWELL of Broomholm Five-merkland of Arkenholm 350.0.0
Seven-merk Half-merkland of Broomholm 270.0.0
Half of One-merkland of Arkenholm 35.0.0
[total] 655.0.0
MATTHEW LITTLE Half of One-merkland of Arkenholm 35.0.0
Total valuation of the parish of LANGHOLM, Eight thousand four hundred and six merks. 8406.0.0
N.B. The Ten-merkland of Craig, that pertained to Thomas and William Armstrong, valuation 700 merks, and the Five-merkland of Dowglen, valuation 225 merks, were formerly stated under this parish, but being really situated in Westerkirk, in which they have paid all assessments, it has been judged expedient, and more accurate, to transfer these properties to that parish.
Minister's stipend, 15 chalders, half meal, half barley, and £10 for Communion elements.
Last augmentation dated 19th June, 1816.
School Salary, 400 merks.

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