Land tax rolls for Clackmannanshire, volume 01

Page Land tax transcription
E106/9/1/1 The Roll of the Rent of the Shrefdome [Shirefdome] of Clackmanan [Clackmannan] Maide and sett doun by the Comissioneris [Commissioneris] vndersubscryveand Noiat [Nominat] and appoyntit for that effect By Act of Convensioun of Estaitis of this kingdome holdin at Edgh [Edinburgh] the fyfteine day of August jaj vj Cs fourtie thrie zeiris [15 August 1643]. And that for payment of the sowme of Four Thowsand tuo hundrethe fourtie sex pundis [£4246.0.0]. As thair pairt of the Loane of 1000000 Merkis appoyntit to be vplifted of the Schyris of this kingdome for supplie of the Scottis Army in Ireland: And of the sowme of Sex hundreth and Sex pundis [£606.0.0] As thair pairt of that vther sowme of 100000 pundis grantit by the saidis estaitis To be payit by the saidis Schyres, for Interteinment of certane horses and fute wtin [within] this kingdome for the reassones conteint in the said act. Which Comissioneris [Commissioneris]haveing mett vpone the first tuysday of October last. And haveing made choyse of certane psones [persones] wtin [within] the said Schyre to Joyne wt [with] thame In making and perfyting of this Roll following, And haveing geven thair oathes juditiullie thairvpone to doe uprichtlie according to thair best knawledge and Informatun [Informatioun] In setting doun of the same. Conforme to the termes of the said act maide thairanent. And haveing vsit all vther ordinarye way for thair better Informatun [Informatioun] off everie psones [persones] proper rent wtin [within] the said Srefdome [Shirefdome] After mature deliberatun [deliberatioun] They have Sett doun the Roll following In articles According to the Number of the severall paroches wtin [within] the said Schyre (The victuall and vther cmoditeis [commoditeis] being convertit in money According as the pryces in everie parioche Rwlis for the tyme) viz. The Bear Maill and Quhyt aittis at fyve pundis sex schillingis aucht pennyeis [£5.6.8] the boll. overheid wheat at Sevin pundis [£7.0.0] the boll. Small corne at Liij s. iiij d. [£2.13.4] the boll. Geise at ten schillingis [£0.10.0] the peice. Capones at vj s. viij d. [£0.6.8] the peice. Keane fowlis at Liij s. iiij d. [£2.13.4] the dzun [dozun]. Which Comissioneris [Commissioneris] noiat [nominat] and Elected Haveing Calculat the proper Rent off everie paroche wtin [within] the said Schyre. And haveing compaired it wt [with] the foirsaid Loane and taxt Imposit vpoun the same. They find and declair That for payt [payment] of the said sowme of four Thowsand tuo hundrethe fourtie sex pundis [£4246.0.0] And thair pairt of [that] said Loane The sovme of ---- sall be payit furthe of everie hundrethe pundis of proper Rent wtin [within] the said Schyre. And for payment of the sowme of Sex hundrethe sex pundis [£606.0.0] the sowme of ---- sal be payit furthe of everie hundrethe pundis of the said proper Rent And accordinglie the saidis Comissioneris [Commissioneris] to thair best knavledge and Informatun [Informatioun] have maide. sett doun. and subt [subscryveant] this pnt [present] Roll. Williame Cowstoun for himselff and remanent heritors fewaris lyfrenturis proper wodsettaris and vtheris wtin [within] the pariochin of Clakmannane Thair proper Land Rent wtin [within] the said parochine (victuall and vther cmoditeis [commoditeis] being cvertit [convertit] in money) extendis to Elevin thowsand sevin hundreth fourtie sex punds thretteine schillingis eight penneyis, Quhairof peyit -- £11746.13.8 [Signed] [J.] Morisone [J. Cochrein ?]
E106/9/1/3 To the Minister the sowme of fyve hundethe fourtie fyve pundis xiij s. iiij d. (£545.13.4) And payit to the Schoill Mr [schoolmaster] the sowme of tuentie four pundis sevin teine schillingis (£24.17.0) So Restis Elevin thowsand Ane hundrethe thriescore sexteine pundis iij s. iiij d. (£11,176.3.4) ------ xj (aj) - j C Lxxvj lb. iij s. iiij d. The frie casuall Rent wtin [within] the said pariochin ex tendis to Sex thowsand Tuo hundrethe fourtie fyve pundis (£6,245) ---------------------------------------------------- vj (aj) ij C xlv lib. Sum(m)a of the frie Rent of the pariochine of Clakmanane [Clackmannan] (£17,421.13.4) ----------------------------------- xvij (aj) iiij C xxj lib. xiij s. iiij d. The Loane q(uhai)rof extends to [ ] The vther taxt extends to [ ] Andro Erskin in Alloway for himselff and remanent heritors fewaris lyfrentaris proper wodsetteris and vtheris witn [within] the pariochine of Alloway Thair proper land Rent witn [within] the said pariochine ( victuall and vther (commoditeis being convertit into money ) extendis to Nyne thowsand four hundrethe ane pund sevinteine schillingis eight penneis (£9,401.17.8). Qrof [qhairof] payit to the Minister Sex hund rethe tuentie eight punds thetteine schillingis four penneis (£628.13.4) And to the Reider the sowme of thrie punds (£3.0.0) Sua Restis Aught thowsand sevin hundrethe thrie score ten punds four schillingis four peneyis [pennies] (£8,770.4.4) ----------- viij (aj) vij C Lxx lib. iiij [s.] iiij d. The frie casuall Rent wtin [within] ye siad pariochine extendis to Aught thowsand pundis (£8,000) -------------------------------------------- viij (aj) lib. Sum(m)a of the frie Rent of the pariochin of alloway --------------------------------------------------------------------- xvj (aj) vij C Lxx lib. iiij s. iiij d. (£16,770.4.4) The Loane qroff [qhairof] extends to [ ] The vther taxt extends to [ ] James Haldane of Myrtoun for himselff and remanent heritors fewaris Lyfrentaris proper wodsettaris and vyrs (others) witin [within] the parochin of Logye. In sua far thairoff as lyis w(ith)in the said Srefdome [sheriffdom] of Clakmanan [Clachmannan] Thair proper Land Rent wtin [within] that (par)t of ye said pariochine (victuall & vtheris (com)moditeis being (con)vertit into money) extendis to Sex thowsand fyve hundrether tuentie fyve punds money (£6,525). Nothing gevin vp for Min[u]st(er) nor Reider And no casuall rent. Su(m)ma of ye frie Rent of the pariochine of Logye Lyand w(ith)in ye s(ai)d S(chy)refdome ----------- vj (aj) v C xxv lib. (£6,525.0.0) The Loane q(uhai)roff extends to < < blank > > The vther taxt extendis to < < blank > > {Signed, across foot of page} [J.] Morisone _________________________________________________________________ [Page 3] Tullicultrie Alexander Alex(ande)r portioner of Drym(m)ye for himselff and remanent heritoris fewaris lyfrentaris proper wodsetteris & vy(e)rs (others) w(ith)in the pariochine of Tullicultrie Thair pro(per) Land rent w(ith)in the said pariochin (victuall & vy(e)rs (com)moditeis being (con)vertit into money[ )] extendis to Four thowsand eight hundrethe threttie eight punds ten schillingis (£4,838.10.0), Q(uhai)roff peyit to the minister Four hundrethe tuentie sevin punds ten schillingis (£427.10.0) And to the Reider ten punds thretteine schillingis four pen(n)eyis (£10.13.4), So Restis Four thow[:] sand four hundrethe pundis sex schillingis aught pen(n)eyis (£4,400.6.8) --------- iiij (aj) iiij C lb. vj s. viij d. The frie Casuall Rent w(ith)in the said pariochin extends to thrie hundrethe punds (£300.0.0) -------------------------------------------------- iij C lib. Sum(m)a of ye frie Rent of the pariochin of Tullicultrie extends to (£4,700.6.8) ---------------------------------------------------- iiij (aj) vij C lb. vj s. viij d. The loane q(uhai)roff extends to < < blank > > The vther taxt extends to < < blank > > James Patoun of hilfute for himselff and remanent heritors fewaris Lyfrentaris proper wodsettaris & vy(e)rs w(ith)in ye pariochine of Dollo(u)r Thair proper Land Rent w(ith)in the said pariochin (victuall and vy(e)ris (com)moditeis being (con)vertit into money) extendis to Tua thowsand sevin hundrethe fourscore nyne punds sevinteine schillingis sex pen(n)eyis (£2,789.17.6). Q(uhai)roff peyit to the Minister Four hundrethe ten punds thretteine schillingis four pen(n)eyis (£410.13.4) No casuall Rent. Sum(m)a of the frie Rent of the pariochine of Dollo(u)r Extends to Tua thowsand thrie hundrethe thriescore nynteine punds four schillingis tua pen(n)eyis (£2,379.4.2) ------------------ ij (aj) iij C Lxxix lib. iiij s. ij d. The Loane q(uhai)roff extends to < < blank > > The vther taxt extends to < < blank > > {The Roll is subscribed, lower right} A. Shaw R. Bruce Robert Maistertoun Johne maistertoune James Patoun Andro Ersken {Added at the foot of the page} Suma: 48266 - 8 - 10 (£48,266.8.10)
E106/9/1/4 [Page] 4 Dollour money be -- 27 lib. [pounds] - 10 [£27.10.0] casuall rent money be -- 160 lib. [pounds] - 12 [£160.12.0] No. 1643 Ex Pro. 6 E. (Durie Miscell. Bundle V [5]) Roll of the frie Rent of the Schyrefdome off Clakmannane 1643