
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
The Earl of Eglinton Southennan £619.0.0
Tarbet £411.0.0
Drummilling £185.4.10
Kilbride £429.8.6
John Crawford Esqre Auchnames £430.0.0
John Crawford Esqre Portencross £333.6.8
R. Caldwell Hunter Esqre. Hunterston £396.10.0
Archibald Alexander Esqre. Carling deducing John Simson's part £363.16.8
George Hunter Kirkland £77.13.4
John Simson's part of Carlung £100.0.0
Total Valuation of this Parish £3346.0.0

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[Page] 52

[Signed] John Boswell

Transcriber's notes

Notes in Red/Green added at a later date have not been transcribed.

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DANIALSAN, charles

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