
Mark lands Proprietor and lands Valuation Rent Money
Scots Shawfields Valued Rent Brought forward £286.2.2
£0.16.0 Carnbeg Two pounds Eight shills. [shillings] & five pence £2.8.5
£1.4.0 Kilcolmkill Three pounds fourteen shills. [shillings] & five pence £3.14.5
£1.10.8 Persabols Portaskog & Acres Four pounds Ninteen shillings & two pence £4.19.2
£1.12.0 Storgaig & Milrish Three pounds Eighteen shills. [shillings] & three pence £3.18.3
£1.12.0 Ballygillew Four pounds twelve shills [shillings] & two pence £4.12.2
£2.0.0 Portnellan Six pounds ten shills. [shillings] & ten pence £6.10.10
£0.10.0 Ellibols One pound four shills. [shillings] & five pence £1.4.5
Corn Mill therof Three pounds seventeen shills [shillings] & four pence £3.17.4
£0.16.0 Knockans Thirteen shills. [shillings] & ten pence £0.13.10
£2.16.0 Half Nether Stoinsha, Balulve & upper half of Skorrols Eight pounds five Shills. [Shillings] & two pence £8.5.2
£2.16.0 Upper half Stoinsha half Skerrols & Shingart Seven pounds Eight Shillings & Seven pence £7.8.7
£2.8.0 Stoinshabeg & Scarrabols Six pounds Eighteen Shills. [Shillings] & six pence £6.18.6
£2.8.0 Keppols Six pounds twelve shills [shillings] & three pence £6.12.3
£1.12.0 Esknish Five pounds twelve shills [shillings] & ten pence £5.12.10
£2.8.0 Eoribols Five pounds Four shills. [shillings] & Eleven pence £5.4.11
£0.16.0 Deuskir Two pounds Sixteen Shills [Shillings] & a penny £2.16.1
£1.12.0 Ballycharvie Four pounds one Shilling & four pence £4.1.4
£2.8.0 Balloll & Leck Seven pounds Eleven Shillings £7.11.0
£0.8.0 Tayneknock One pound ten shills [shillings] and nine pence £1.10.9
£2.8.0 Octovulline Five pounds fifteen shills. [shillings] & Five pence £5.15.5
£1.3.6 Kennibols One pound fourteen shills. [shillings] & seven pence £1.14.7
£1.4.0 Carabols Three pounds ten Shillings & three pence £3.10.3
£1.12.0 Culabols & Lyrabols Five pounds Four Shills [Shillings] & Eleven pence £5.4.11
£2.8.0 Rim Balinish & Gortenteid Four pounds three shills. [shillings] & a penny £4.3.1
New Parks Two pounds three Shills. [Shillings] & ten pence £2.3.10
£1.12.0 Conisby Six pounds Eighteen Shills. [Shillings] & Six pence £6.18.6
£0.16.0 Gartahar Two pounds one Shilling & Six pence £2.1.6
£1.12.0 Glashens Six pounds one Shilling & Eleven pence £6.1.11
£1.12.0 Karn & Olista Four pounds Ninteen shills [shillings] & Nine pence £4.19.9
£0.16.0 Torronich Two pounds Eight Shills [Shillings] & five pence £2.8.5
£0.16.0 Octofade Two pounds fifteen shillings £2.15.0
£2.8.0 Amond & Craigfade Seven pounds Six Shills. [Shillings] & five pence £7.6.5
£1.12.0 Neribols Five pounds Seven Shills [Shillings] & four pence £5.7.4
£1.4.0 Arichalloch Four pounds Sixteen Shills [Shillings] & Eleven pence £4.16.11
£1.12.0 Easter Elister Five pounds two Shills. [Shillings] & ten pence £5.2.10
£1.12.0 Kelso Five pounds two Shills [Shillings] & ten pence £5.2.10
£1.12.0 Losset Five pounds fourteen Shills [Shillings] & Seven pence £5.14.7
£1.12.0 Garrick Five pounds Nine Shills [Shillings] & five pence £5.9.5
£1.12.0 Tormistle Five pounds three Shills. [Shillings] & ten pence £5.3.10
[Carried forward] £466.3.9
Shawfields Valued Rent Brought forward £466.3.9
£4.0.0 Braid & Kilcheran Ten pounds Eighteen shills [shillings] & two pence £10.18.2
£6.0.0 Kilchomman Fourteen pounds four shillings £14.4.0
£3.7.4 Smail, Migrim, Grulin & Ardlorinish Eleven pounds Eight shills. [shillings] & seven pence £11.8.7
£2.8.0 Sannaigmore Six pounds four shillings & Eight pence £6.4.8
£7.2.8 Keandrochit Mergadil, Killineave, Ardneave & Breckachy Ninteen pounds twelve Shillings £19.12.0
£1.4.0 Leck Grunart Four pounds one shilling & four pence £4.1.4
Corn Mill of Lagawilline Eighteen Shills. [Shillings] & a penny £0.18.1
Corn Mill of Oa One pound Sixteen Shills [Shillings] & four pence £1.16.4
Houses in Killarow One pound Eighteen shills [shillings] & three pence £1.18.3
Corn Mill of Skibo Sixteen Shills. [Shillings] & Eleven pence £0.16.11
Litle Glasgow Seven Shills. [Shillings] and three pence £0.7.3
Total of Shawfields valued Rent in Ilay is Five hundred thirty eight pounds nine Shills [Shillings] & four pence Sterling money £538.9.4
Donald Campbell of Lossit for his Wadsett Lands Vizt.
£10.0.0 Lossit Seven pounds One Shillings & a penny £7.1.1
Kilsleven Four pounds Eight Shills. [Shillings] & nine pence £4.8.9
Ballichtroch Two pounds five Shills [Shillings] & seven pence £2.5.7
Balliclach Two pounds One shilling and four pence £2.1.4
Eachvernich Four pounds four shills [shillings] & three pence £4.4.3
Tirevagan Two pounds fourteen shills [shillings] and five pence £2.14.5
Kilmenie Five pounds Seven shills. [shillings] & Six pence £5.7.6
Total of Lossits Valued Rent is Twenty eight pounds two shills. [shillings] and Eleven pence £28.2.11
James Campbell of Balinaby for the following Lands Vizt.
£3.6.8 Balinaby Seventeen pounds three Shills. [Shillings] & ten pence £17.3.10
£1.13.4 Leck Five pounds ten Shills. [Shillings] & Eleven pence £5.10.11
£1.13.4 Gruinart Seven pounds fifteen shills. [shillings] & three pence £7.15.3
£0.16.8 Sannaigbeg Two pounds Ninteen shills. [shillings] & two pence £2.19.2
Total of Balinabys valued Rent is Thirty three pounds Nine Shillings & two pence £33.9.2
£1.13.4 Ballochlavan Wadsetted to Charles Campbell Five pounds Eleven Shillings & Seven pence £5.11.7
£1.13.4 Robols & Croft wadsetted to said Charles five pounds six shills. [shillings] & Eight pence £5.6.8 £10.18.3
Donald Campbell of Killinalen for his Wadsett Lands Vizt.
£1.13.4 Killinalen Nine pounds three Shills [Shillings] £9.3.0
£1.13.4 Corspolan Seven pounds Eighteen Shillings & ten pence £7.18.10
[Carried forward] £17.1.10 £610.19.8

Transcribe other information

Scots £ sh d [pounds shillings pence] -- Page Fiftyth -- Ilay -- Valued Rent Sterling Money

[Page] 52

[Page signed]
Neal McNeal -- Colin Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
John Campbell -- Donald Campbell -- Hector MacLean -- Neill Campbell
John Campbell Clk. [Clerk] -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Alexander Mcmillan -- Archibald Campbell

£ sh d [pounds shillings pence] -- Ilay -- Page Fifty first -- Valued Rent Sterling Money

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[Page signed]
Neal McNeal -- Colin Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
John Campbell -- Donald Campbell -- Hector MacLean -- Neill Campbell
John Campbell Clk. [Clerk] -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell -- Archibald Campbell
Alexander Mcmillan -- Archibald Campbell

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Dauvit- Moderator, Alison James- Moderator

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