Hearth tax transcription
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The Presbetrie of St Androws
The pish [parish] of Largo tuo hundreth fourtie one -- 241
Carenbie thrie hundreth and siventine -- 317
Wester Enstruther Ane Hundreth and ten --110
Easter Enstruther tuo hundreth and tuentie -- 220
Kinneuchar four hundreth fourtie nine -- 449
Neuburne Ane hundreth and thriee -- 103
St Minance Ane Hundreth and sixtie tuo -- 162
Pittenweime tuo hundreth diventie and six -- 276
Ellie tuo hundreth tuentie and ninth -- 229
Kilrennie tuo hundreth thretie and nine -- 239
Dinnino nintie four -- 94
Camron Ane hundreth fiftie and eight -- 158
Craill four hundreth and tuentie four -- 424
Kingsbairnes tuo hundreth and tuelve -- 212
Leuchars is thrie hundreth and siven -- 307
St fillans tuo hundreth and eight -- 208
Cambacke is eightie thrie -- 83
Ferrie parton crage a hundreth tuentie nine -- 129
St Androus toune and Landwort wt [with] St lennans pish [parish] is a thousand a hundreth and sixteine -- 1116
this is besyde the collages severall ministers manses Samford Nairnes house & Pitcullous wt [with] the survay of St Androus all resting
So this is all that is payed in St Androus five thousand and siventie siven -- 5077
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Sue
Location information for this page.
Abbotshall Parish, Aberdour Parish, Anstruther Easter Parish, Auchterderran Parish, Auchtertool Parish, Ballingry Parish, Balmerino Parish, Burntisland Parish, Carnbee Parish, Ceres Parish, Collessie Parish, Crail Parish, Creich Parish, Cults Parish, Dairsie Parish, Dunbog Parish, Dunino Parish, Dysart Parish, Elie Parish, Fife County, Kemback Parish, Kennoway Parish, Kettle Parish, Kilconquhar Parish, Kinghorn Parish, Kinglassie Parish, Kingsbarns Parish, Largo Parish, Leslie Parish, Logie Parish, Monimail Parish, Moonzie Parish, Newburn Parish, Pittenweem Parish, Portmoak Parish, Scoonie Parish, Strathmiglo Parish, Wemyss Parish