


Sedilia. - Seats for the officiating clergy, usually on the south side of an altar.
Segmental. - Of an arch representing a segment of a circle, i.e. less than a semi-circle.
Segreant. - With raised wings as ready to fly (Heraldry).
Set-off. - See Offset.
Severies. - The divisions of a ribbed vault.
Sexpartite. - Of a vault having six divisions or compartments.
Sinister. - The left-hand side, opposite to spectator's right (Heraldry). Also used generally in the same
Skew-put. - The lowest stone of the skew or coping of a gable.
Skews. - Stones forming the coping of a gable.
Slype. - A communicating passage.
Soffit. - The under-side of a staircase, lintel, cornice, arch, canopy, etc.
Solar. - An upper room.
Splay. - A surface making an oblique angle with another, being a chamfer (q.v.) on a large scale.
Squinch. - An arch across the angle between two walls.
Stiles. - The vertical members of a frame, into which are tenoned the horizontal members or rails.
Stilted. - Said of an arch rising not directly from the impost but from uprights set upon it; also of bases
set upon under-building.
String-course or String. - A horizontal line of projecting mouldings carried along a building.
Stugged. - Roughly dressed with a chisel.
Sunk-moulded. - Having a moulding below the main surface level. Cf. Bolection moulding.
Sur-base. - A base under the base proper of a pier.
Swags. - Bunches of foliage, etc., shown as hanging from each end.

Tabard. - An upper garment with short sleeves.
Tabled. - Having a smooth, sloping surface of dressed stone.
Tas-de-charge. - A form of construction in which two or more ribs or arches instead of beginning separately
have one or more courses of stones as springers in common, these being bedded horizontally and bonded
into the wall.
Tempera. - A form of distemper, i.e. mural painting in colours with a medium soluble in water.
Tierceron. - Ribs intermediate between the outer and the diagonal ribs.
Torteaux. - Roundels or discs of a red colour (Heraldry).
Torus. - A moulding semi-circular in section, usually at the base of a pier.
Tracery. - Ornamental open-work in the head of a Gothic window, screen or panel.
Transe. - A through passage.
Transepts. - The parts of a cruciform church answering to the arms of the cross or projecting-cross-wise.
Transom. - A structural cross-piece in a window.
Tressure. - A border within the shield narrower than the orle (q.v.), generally borne double, and in the
Royal Arms of Scotland with fleurs-de-lis (irises) on each side, i.e. flory and counter-flory (|Heraldry).
Triforium. - The gallery or arcade, usually without windows and so a "blind-storey," above the main
arcade and below the "clear-storey" (q.v.).
Trigonal. - Having three faces; half a hexagon.
Triquetra. - An ornament of triangular shape, formed of three interlaced arcs.
Turnpike. - A circular staircase with a newel.
Tympanum. - An enclosed space in the head of an arch, doorway, etc., or in the triangle of a pediment.

Undercroft. - A vaulted under-building.
Undy. - Wavy (Heraldry).

Vesica. - A window of pointed oval form, properly vesica piscis, so termed from its supposed resemblance
to the bladder of a fish.
Void. - An unfilled space in a wall, serving as a door or window.
Volute. - See Ionic.
Voussoirs. - The wedge-like stones forming an arch.
Vulned. - Wounded; said of a pelican wounding herself in the breast to feed her young (Heraldry).

Warming-house. - The room in a monastic range in which was a fire, where the inmates could warm

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