

[Page 81]
[continued from page 80]

the interior with a diameter of 23' leaving
a chamber at the back between the two
structures with an entrance to it passing through
the inner wall. The remains of an ancient
stone wall runs from the back of the enclosure,
and three large boulders crossing the back
compartment are a continuation of its
direction. This suggests that perhaps the
stone built circle is anterior to the turf
& stone oval. Where the two walls coalesce
at the side the width is 11'. The width
of the entrance is 3' in the interior, 4' at
outside & length of passage 8'.
Some 20 yds [yards] N. [North] is another hut circle of
simple type, with entrance from SE. [South East] about 3'
wide & diameter 28' x 37': The thickness of the
banks indefinite.
Four or five small cairns lie in the immediate

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 14.

On the slope of the hill immediately above
Torrish and to the E. [East] of the Coulan Burn
is a large group of cairns. They are
of the usual class varying from 10' to 18'
in diameter. The O.S. [Ordnance Survey] records the
finding of flint implements and shale
necklace in a short cist among them in 1868.

[continued on page 82]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Jane F Jamieson