

[Page 72]
[continued from page 71]

passage 3'.6" wide and 15' long. The thickness
of wall & bank is 8' except at the entrance where
on the W [West] side is is fifteen ft. [feet] thick for the last 9' or 10'
and on the E. [East] side for about 6'. Towards E [East] the enclosing bank is about 5' high on exterior. Covering
the entrance at 13' distant from it is a wall

[Margin] To NE. [North East] are indications of other walls.

6' thick which
runs for a distance of about 98' in a N [North] Westerly dir:
:ection and terminates in a small stony cairn of
12' diar. [diameter]. Beyond the cairn there are indications
of the wall passing to the SW. [South West]. About 25' NW [North West]
of the first cairn is another of similar dimensions.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 18

Some 75 yds [yards] NE [North East] is another circular enclosure
with diameter 33' x 37'. Entering from ESE. [East South East]
through passage 5' wide and 7' long. The bank
in the circumference is 6' broad.
Several small cairns lie around.
About 60 yds [yards] NW. [North West] is another circle of simple
type. Entering from SE. [South East] through passage 5' wide
and 9' long. Bank in circumference measures 4'.
The interior diameter 34' x 38'. Several small
cairns lie near.
Due E. [East] of the last group on the opposite
bank of the Cille Pheadair and above
a deep gorge is a circular enclosure lined
with a stone wall in the interior with an
interior diameter of 23'. The entrance is from

[continued on page 73]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson