

[Page 174]
[continued from page 173]

have probably been huts.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 8.

At the S. [South] end of Creagan Reamhar about
400 yds. [yards] N. [North] of the croft of Druimban at Airdens
near the peat road are two hut circles and
a number of small cairns. The most
Westerly of the two circles is of the simple form
entering from SE. [South East] through what appears to
have been a wide entrance. The interior
diameters are 26' x 31' : the bank of stone
and turf. The second enclosure
which lies to the E. [East] of the peat road is
circular with an interior diameter of about
30'. The entrance is from the SE. [South East] and the
bank from 5' to 6' wide formed of earth
and stone. The level of the interior is
slightly higher than that of the surrounding
ground. Near the first enclosure lie a
few small cairns the stones of which are
somewhat exposed. About 140 yds. [yards] to the
E. [East] of the second circle is a small group
of about half a dozen cairns. The most
W. [West] of the group measures about 15' in dia. [diameter],
is about 1 1/2' high and has its outline
defined by large stones. One lying with
its longest axis NNW and SSE [North North West and South South East] measures
23' by 13' and is 2' to 3' in height : the others

[continued on page 175]

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Jane F Jamieson