

[Page 165]
[continued from page 164]

the end of a flanking wall which runs
from the N. [North] of the central enclosure
N. [North] and then SE. [South East] terminating seemingly opposite
the point where the entrance passes through the
outer wall 17' distant from the central enclosure
and leaving a passage between it and the outer
wall about 2'.6" wide. In the thickness
of the outer wall to the N [North] of the entrance
through it are appearances of two chambers
one in rear of the other about 6' and 10'
in diameter. The position of the entrance
to the inner enclosure is not evident.
There is an absence of the mass of debris
in the inner enclosure which one would
expect were it the remains of a broch.
The ruins of the walls render the details
difficult of discernment. The rock is
isolated and steep on all sides though
not difficult of access on the N and NE. [North and North East].
At Pittentrail Rogart is a small but clean
inn where I lunched afterwards bicycling
on to Blarich where Mr. Menzies
had noted some singularly small
cairns. These are situated on the SE [South East]
side of a small corrie called "Clach Hatch"
about 1/2 m. [mile] NW. [North West] of Blarich. We opened

[continued on page 166]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson