

[Page 129]
[continued from page 128]

flows into the Helmsdale river on the
N. [North] side of the road and some 80' above it
is a large earthfast granite boulder
about 8' square on the upper surface and
5'-6' in height with a natural depression
on the upper face know as, "Cathair" or
"Suidhe Donnan" from which St. Donnan
is said to have preached.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 32.

Situated on the top of the W [West] bank of
the Eldrable burn about 200' up from
the Helmsdale River are the remains
of a broch. It stands on the upper end
of a ridge running down to the
strath protected by the gorge of the burn
on the E [East] and by a natural hollow separating
it from the level on the W. [West]. The interior
is a mass of debris and no more than
two rows of building are visible about
3' high except at the back of the entrance
to the stair where about 5' of walling re:
:mains exposed. The interior diameter
has been about 25' and the thickness
of the wall 12'. The greatest height of
wall visible to the exterior is about 6'.
The entrance has been from ENE. [East North East] opposite
the burn and has been 4' wide near the

[continued on page 130]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Jane F Jamieson