
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT GLAC AN CABAR Allt Glac nan Caban Colin Campbell Struy
008 This is a small stream. It rises in Glac nan Caban, from which it tales its name; it means the "Burn of the hollow of Deers horn".

On the property of Lord Lovat, it flows in an easterly direction until it joins [N[eaty Burn a short distance north of the jounction of Allt Doire Bhug.
GLAC NAN CABAR Glac nan Caban Colin Campbell Struy
Rev A.D.MacKenzie
008 This name applies to a small hollow covered with heather. It means the "Hollow of the Deers horn".
On the property of Lord Lovat, Beaufort Castle, by Beauly

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