
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Award Plan
Major Wilson
Mr. Galloway
Co. [County] Map
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
016 [situation] 2 Miles East of Easter Glasslie.
This name applies to the remains to the remains of some pieces of arable land & rough pasture, situated in a tract of rough pasture in a westerly direction from the junction of the parishes of Leslie Falkland & Portmoak. Some 80 or 90 years ago a person of the name of Harper or Michael Potty built a house a little to the west of Sheet Line and reclaimed a portion or portions of the rough land which probably is the origin of the name.
Copied from Examiner's Remarks.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 69
Parish of Portmoak

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MaxInSpain , Jill S