
Proprietor and land Valuation
Oatts Aucht bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde thretti sex punds £36.0.0
Cheiss Tuo hundreth threescore stain pryce vt supra Inde Three hundreth Fourtisex punds Threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys £346.13.4
Butter Fourti stain pryce vt supra Inde On hundreth Sex punds threttin Shill [Shillings] Four pennys £106.13.4
Suma [Summa] paroch Three thowsand Sevin hundreth threescore sevintein punds auchtein shillings Four pennys £3777.18.4
Money One thowsand Sex hundreth Fiftifyve punds sextein shill [shillings] tuo pennys £1655.16.2
Meill Tuell chalder on boll on twell part pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde aucht hundreth three score aucht pund ellevin shill [shilling] ellevin pennys £868.11.11
Beir three chalder tuo pecks pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth twentifourvpund ellevin shill [shillings] aucht pennys £224.11.8
Oatts Tuo chalder fyve bolls tuo firletts pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth three scoir aucht punds fiftein shill [shillings] £168.15.0
Cheiss On hundreth Twenti stain pryce vt supra Inde On hundreth threescore punds £160.0.0
Butter thretti stain pryce vt supra Inde Four score punds £80.0.0
Suma [Summa] paroch Threethowsand on hundreth Fiftisevin punds Fourtein shill [shilling] Nyn pennys £3157.14.9
Money Four hundreth Fifti Sevin punds Four shill [shillings] Four pennys £457.4.4
Meill Ten chalder tuo bolls three firlett pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth threttituo punds sevin shill [shillings] sex pennys £732.7.6
Beir Fyve chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three hundreth three scoir threttin pund sex shill [shilling] aucht pennys £373.6.8
Suma [Summa] paroch On thowsand fyv hundreth threscore tuo pund auchtein shill [shillings] sex pennys £1562.18.6
Kilwinning Steuiston
Money Rent Three thowsand on hundreth Fourscore Nyntein pund Four shill [shilling] Four pennys £3199.4.4

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